43. Hendery's treasure box

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When have we become enemies fighting on two sides of that war, it went all so quickly from just love and serenity, from being the safest, the most close to home place I have ever experienced.
The action holders were leaving the room but it was Hendery who shoot out first. I was happy though as I was still wishing to smash his head against that table until it breaks in half like that bell in the desert. Soon I was left alone with just the images of Jeno shouting the words form his sign and the crowd following. Was he the real hero? Was I the villain, I wondered.
Couldn't that day just end now, I was wishing to have the speech behind me, no coming back, no more regrets, just done. Good or bad just done. Done.

I really admired Jeno again watching him standing there proudly, looking so stunning. No wonder that crowd had just followed him, he was a born leader. A man of his words, ready to fight till the end for what he believed in, no matter the stakes. No, Haechan wasn't right, I wouldn't go the edge of the universe with someone like me but damn I'd go with Jeno. To the edge of space and time, any edge.


That quiet soft voice made me look up. It was Thee-San glancing through the half opened door.


"Um... boss I'm sorry to disturb..."

"I wasn't doing anything."

Just admiring Jeno.

"It's just, Mr. Hendery was in a horrible mood a few minutes ago."

"Doesn't bother me at all." I shrugged.

"I mean, maybe you should know. He threw something away and I was curious so I picked it form the bin when he had left. It says 'Hendery's treasure box' on the lid. I don't know maybe it's something important for him."

She came in placing a red box on my table.

I was looking at it buffed.

"Yes... thank you Thee-San I'll give it back to him. You... have a free day, we see each other on the conference."

She nodded not sparing even a glance my way, hurrying to the door.


"Yes boss?"

"I... I... wish you a nice day." I pressed out,

She just nodded leaving quick closing the door behind herself.

What was so freaking thick it couldn't fit through my throat? One simple I'm sorry.

I couldn't stay in the company, couldn't find a place for myself so I returned home with that box walking to my room placing it on the bed. Should I really spent that strange time on going through Hendery's things? Was it a crime? Will there be anything interesting or just some private crap, but I suddenly realized after twenty years of friendships I had no idea who Hendery is or what his treasures could be, so my overcurious nature, the one that led me to visit Jeno in jail and find out about the Blue Birds, this nature needed to lift that lid. It was also partly because I couldn't just sit and think about Jeno and Ellie, Mark, his parents, the string engine and Outer Space. Dejun.

The last popped into my mid leaving an uncomfortable trace. It had been guilt, freaking guilt all the way and embarrassment, and about a million other things I couldn't or never wished to name. So instead I lifted the lid of the red box glancing inside.

There was a trophy, Hendery's trophy he had won in a tennis tournament in high school. All memories floating back, me cheering for him from the stand and Renjun sitting a few benches from me. I couldn't focus on Hendery's play much, even though it was amazing because... hey Renjun looked like an angel, the sunlight playing in his blonde hair. I had loved him so much I could never lift my eyes off him whenever he was around. That day Renjun was sitting on the bench talking to a boy with highlights in brown hair, a boy I had thought was just his friend but turned out to be so much more. Had Renjun had a crush on Yangyang back then? Was me just an experiment because I was who I was, that billionaire everyone wanted?

A new wave of pain came causing me to slam the trophy on the mattress. There were photos of some girls underneath it and damn, some of Hendery's very meaningful nudes. Was it what we wanted to send into space I though putting it aside. The next level was a bracelet from his mother, a compass from his favorite teacher, a doll that had no connection with anything. A photo of my grandfather? What? I lifted it totally stunned. Why would he keep a photo of my grandfather in his treasure box?

There were two stones I have found in The Lagoon and given him as Moon stones when we were children. My heart actually double skipped seeing it here. The last thing was a notebook I opened hesitantly to see strange drawings of Outer Space, the Destroyers, someone killing someone, someone sitting on a throne with a crown.

An envelope fell off it right on my lap when I was turning the pages.

A scruffy handwriting that wasn't Hendery's, but I have seen it somewhere.

'To Jaemin.'

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Thank you for the support. Did you enjoy the chapter? What do you think about the items Jaemin has found in Hendery's treasure box? Who is the letter from?

Much <3

For Ellie (Nomin Version)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя