19. Butterfly lips

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Ellie took Lora by her ears making the rabbit jump up and down on the duvet.

"Dad has been up there in the stars, really really high, he has definitely met the monsters who had kidnapped heaven. They know Dad." She lowered her head.

"Ellie, whatever you think your dad is a great man and no monsters would ever reach him. They live in another universe. Not dad's universe. Dad's universe is too powerful so they have no entry in there. Do you understand?"

She nodded.

"Do you think that if I'd give back the treasure the ugly violet monsters will give back the stars?" She looked at me seriously.

"What if the stars are still there?" I asked.

Ellie raised her eyes widely open.

"Just the big satellites are covering them."

Ellie was thinking hard, frowning her brows.

"Why would the ugly violet monster leave this in here." She placed her palm to her side.

I had nothing to explain it with. Definitely a trauma she went through in such young age had caused her cells to mutate into a self destructive conglomerate that was now expanding like an alien invasion along her body organ by organ, cell after cell. I by far wasn't a doctor, so I couldn't explain that matter in any way, not a psychoanalyst either to discover what meanders of mind and her parents' complicated relationship had produced that deadly effect.

"Ellie, you know you're right, the ugly violet monster had kidnapped the stars, but don't worry you're safe, uncle Dejun, dad and me are taking care of you and we will not let any monster to ever get near you. Promise." I took her tiny palm bringing it to my lips, kissing gently.

Ellie nodded.

"Let's finish the puzzle." I pointed at the board, but the door opened revealing Lucas.

"Hi Ellie." He said coming inside.

"Uncle Lucas!" She squealed happily.

"Hi my princess." Lucas came to her leaning in to hug her gently, she was almost invisible in his huge arms.

Giant Lucas and little Ellie were the cutest companions actually. I chuckled at the sight.

"Mr. Na, could you speak to Jeno, that stubborn man refuses to eat anything." Lucas shook his head.

"Why?" I asked stunned.

I had sent Jeno to the hotel to take a proper shower, eat and sleep, but of course he wasn't cooperating again.

"I'll be back with dad soon, uncle Lucas will help you to finish the puzzle." I kissed in between Ellie's hair getting up.

"Where is he?"

"In the patio." Lucas looked at me seriously.

I nodded walking out, taking the shortest way through the labyrinth of the clinic towards the patio to see Jeno sitting on the fountain wall sunken in his thoughts so deeply.

"Hi." I sat down next to him.

"Hi." He was biting on his nails.

"Lucas had told me you're refusing a proper meal."

"I had a lot on my mind." Jeno sighed.


"Was speaking to one of the nurses today, she told me the MRI shows this shit had spread on her lungs." Jeno's hands began to tremble.

"I'd advise you to speak to doctor Dejun and listen to him only."

"There's no way to stop it right?" Jeno looked up at me.

"I'm not a doctor don't ask me. My major is astrophysics."

"So what physics says about matters like that?"

"As long as the patient wants to live the patient will stay alive." I whispered remembering another long hospital floor, me and mum asking ourselves the damn same questions as Jeno.

"This is what physics say?" Asked Jeno ironically.

"This is what psychoanalysis say."

"Means magic and crap." Jeno rubbed his arms to clam down.

"No magic. Science, mind science. It's proven that the human body can indeed do mesmerizing things whenever the person is believing in it strongly."

"Like what?" Jeno was looking straight at me.

"Like self-healing. Do you know that in some tribes that are still leaving cut off from modern civilization the woman's body can stop and reverse an unwanted pregnancy after a ritual performed by the shaman who is closing it with a leaf, no abortion, no magic. Just that strong belief, giving the neurons a signal so strong each cell in the body is following it."

"Kidding?" Jeno's jaw was dropped.

"No, there are ethnographic studies about it you can research."

He nodded starting to bite his nails again.

"While physics says the atoms in our body are actually eleven dimensional and there are more dimensions proven to exist the more we study our inner nature. So maybe here in our brains, somewhere deep inside here is a hidden gate to that state, to those dimensions. That's why I want to fly to the end of the universe and further. I have a theory that going through it might be that gate."

Jeno was silent, his hands still trembling a bit when he was biting on his lips considering something like Ellie did before.

"Will it help if I believe in her?" He asked.

"Definitely. Our hope seems worthless but it's crucial." I looked at him, those beautiful eyes that were drawing me in like by some magical power.

I licked my lips, my shaky hand raising up to his face, my thumb caressing over that mole on his cheek down the line of the cross tattoo.

"Someone once said, even if you believe that tomorrow the world will end plant a seed today, it will grow out the day after tomorrow."

My voice was raspy like a whisper, his face so close I could feel his hot breath when my eyelids fell, my fingertips closed on his jaw pulling him towards me, my upper lip touched the edge of his in an electrifying way when Jeno jumped away.

My voice was raspy like a whisper, his face so close I could feel his hot breath when my eyelids fell, my fingertips closed on his jaw pulling him towards me, my upper lip touched the edge of his in an electrifying way when Jeno jumped away

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Thank you so much for your support. What do you think about Nomin's conversation and Jaemin trying to kiss a Jeno? What will Jeno do?

Much <3

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