38. Prayer

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You can't save Ellie Jaemin, said that inner voice reminding me it was indeed like my mother had said. My father and Ellie had been born too early before medicine and technology had reached the right level to cure them, but then seeing my closest family members die I realized death is a choice like each part of life. My father died when he lost all will to fight or live, my grandfather died when his body stopped listening to him and the independent man he was he didn't want to be relying on anyone so he chose to go. Was Ellie willing to stay or to leave? Was that dream of seeing Blue Birds once again keeping her alive? But in two days I was supposed to destroy that dream forever, even if she wouldn't know. Haechan could crate a virtual Lagoon with AI, a Lagoon that could even speak to her, answer her wishes, still maybe Jeno was right, maybe only the real things mattered. Will Ellie feel The Lagoon dying and choose to go with it, I hoped not, for Jeno's sake.

My future husband and his Blue Bird were too precious to lose any of them, not even saying about losing them both. Was I really calling Jeno my husband in my mind. In another circumstances I would fall on my knees and propose, but there was no time left.

Space Beyond looked so lonely among the regular cars, like a Blue Bird, out of that space on that car park in front of the building. I was happy that my creation and me were the same, as much as I was thankful to Senator Zhong for that signature that allowed me to fly instead of simply moving on the ground street after street, though traffic lights and jams. Slowly like and ant carrying a burden twice as heavy as her.

So me and Space Beyond shoot into the sky. The bright light of the queen ship caused a twist in my insides. How was Mark dealing in a small cell in that smelly city prison, where he will have to stand some local gangsters, murders, dealers and all type of degenerates while being careful to always leave the bunk with the left foot first. Little cute genius Mark, who needed so much gentleness for his complicated sensitive nature, who had been used to that bright satellite that has become his home, who hated gravity as much as Lucas hated flying.

That rare space of almost weightlessness of Stratosphere was the only place where he could feel safe. I suddenly experienced such a deep connection with Mark's parents, those simple people who were doing their best to deal with the miracle they had brought to Earth, but who was way out of their understanding. I could remember like yesterday that cloudy day in their living room when Mark' father looked me deeply in the eyes saying - "Promise you'll take care of him."

The tears that left my eyes were so sudden. I switched to autopilot leaning my forehead against the steering wheel sobbing madly, I couldn't stop.

"Grandfather. Grandfather, if you hear me, know this is a hardship a mythical hero would be afraid to carry. If you hear me know, that I have reached twenty edges of the universe by now and I have become an alien for myself. Is it really what it takes to go into space. To stop being human..."

My tears had dried off, the wind from the ocean was becoming stronger, big waves were building up to caress the beach. I left Space Beyond next to uncle Taeyong's house walking out into The Lagoon sitting down in the cold sand looking at the black ocean, the perfect darkness of the sky scattered with satellites. Tonight more than any day I wished to be able to see the real stars.

Time was passing, my torn thoughts were sad. I wished for Jeno to come now, to put a cooling on those wounds with his strong arms, his firm yet soft lips, that amazing taste, the addicting scent of his palms.

My phone was showing midnight but there was no sign of Jeno so I called Lucas who never picked up. Maybe Jeno was preparing something special for the date, or Ellie needed something and he had to stay with her for longer. My skin began to tingle unpleasantly, my heart was pounding loudly even though it was just my imagination happening, giving me the worst scenarios.

The melody of my phone broke the silence. I almost jumped out of my skin lifting it to see the caller - Denjun. All hair crumbled on my body. I was afraid to pick up but he kept ringing without any stop until my shaky fingers found a way to press the green button and the loudspeaker.

"Jaemin." His tone was deadly serious.


"I need you to come to the clinic immediately."

"What happened." My voice cracked, my chin was trembling.

"I will be waiting on the landing platform, just come as quick as you can."

He ended the call when I was sitting there frozen. No, Ellie hasn't died. No, it couldn't be. Please, God please don't let her die. I was probably praying for the very first time in my life. Don't let her die.

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Much <3

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