2. The man who protects the birds

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The engine of my sweet baby girl Space Beyond howled when it gained insane speed in just a fraction of seconds.

"Please stay in on-land mode." Begged Lucas.

His acrophobia was severe, so he has been the least happy man when I received the only official permission for using a flying car from the local government.

"Only because you begged." I chuckled speeding down the streets towards zone 5, the shabbiest part of the city, ruled by drug dealers and gangs. It was the only zone still in need for city buses as most inhabitants weren't able to afford a car. It also had the highest crime rates, the lowest salaries and education standards. Was it a local gang, which dared to challenge me and my dear project? I needed to find out, that stubborn face of the tall, muscle packed man was carrying something I couldn't name. It made me curious, for the first time since ages, something made me curious. A freaking miracle as I was almost bored to death.

"It's her... S-slow down. Mr Na!" Lucas was greenish in the face when I parked sending him on the front window.

"I love that expression on your face." I sent him an air kiss before leaving my Space Beyond, receiving glances from passerby's and two police officers who had been smoking in front of the station.

The small room me and Lucas entered was carrying a heavy smell of detergents and dirt. There was a woman in her seventies, dressed in a very used green coat sitting on a plastic chair close to the wall.

"You have to line in." She hissed tossing me a hateful glance. "I have been here for five hours now. My pension money has been stolen." She started to dry her face with a handkerchief.

"I'll show you how to demand your rights." I muttered stepping towards the first desk where a police officer was giving a watch back to a bald man.

"The woman there is first in line." Said the officer in a tired way.

"I'm Na Jaemin, came to speak with the protester who intruded onto my property."

"I'll call detective Jung." The officer got up coming back shortly with a young man who's face and beard were showing he hasn't had a proper rest or shower for the past few days.

"Mr Na, your lawyers have contacted me, they will be here shortly."

I heard the waiting woman letting her anger out on Lucas complaining loudly.

"I want to speak to that man first."

Detective Jung nodded leading me into the station towards a small cabin behind bars where the captured criminals were awaiting further investigations.

My heart skips a bit at a sight of that man. He was sitting with his head low, the tight black sweatshirt he was wearing uncovered stone like arm muscles and a trained chest. His black hair was falling into his forehead in a nice cascade. Damn he was looking fine, I couldn't hold that thought back.

"His name is Lee Jeno, he has been under investigation twice for dealing drugs but seems to have some pretty good connections with the ruling gang so no charges were stated." Whispered detective Jung leaning to my ear.

"Why has he done it?" I asked ignoring goose bumps that appeared down my body when the man lifted his head looking straight at me.

"He says everything's on the poster." Detective Jung sighed.

"Protect The Lagoon, save the blue birds. That's some freaking nonsense." I muttered walking towards the bars keeping Jeno's stare.

My throat dried so suddenly, my freaking mind emptied like by a magic spell. Why did I come here? What did I have to say? The reason definitely wasn't staring at his sexy tattoo. My mind has most certainly been in the drunken state as I was done being attracted to guys since Huang Renjun who has broken my heat in high school.

"Ummmm..." I swallowed when a door opened swiftly behind me.

The head of my lawyers Kim Doyoung stormed inside assisted by his younger brother Kim Jungwoo.

"Mr Na." Doyoung became ghostly pale at my sight.

"Breath." I whispered raising a brow, it was amazing really, the effect I had on my workers without even trying.

I could have had so much fun with Thee-San by now, she was always extra obedient and extra wild being drunk, instead I was here wasting my time on that guy who was protecting what? Blue birds?

"Mr Na, I will personally assure that that man never leaves jail again." Said Doyoung on one breath, so Jeno suddenly went wild.

"Let me free you assholes! I need to be home!"

He tried to grab me through the bars but defective Jung pushed me to the side in the last moment.

"I need to be home! Let me free! I need to be home before 7 am!"

Jeno was yelling kicking the bars when a lot of policemen ran to shut him up.

I saw them hitting him with chumps when something crumbled in my insides so I jumped up running out of the station into the fresh air of the starless night.

"Mr Na are you ok?" Lucas reached me in seconds.

I could still hear Jeno's mad criers ringing the station. There was something in his desperation... something so honest, even absurd, yet I was sure him being at home before that time was a matter of life and death.

"He's a whole psycho." Muttered Lucas rolling his eyes.

"Let's go home." I jumped into the car, started the engine.

"Tell me we won't fly." Lucas was a bit pale again.

I never answered staring the take off mode, the city soon turning into a sea of tiny glittering stars.

I never answered staring the take off mode, the city soon turning into a sea of tiny glittering stars

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Thank you so much for your amazing feedback and support. I'm so happy you enjoyed the first chapter so much. What do you think about Nomin meeting in the police station? Why does Jeno need to be home? What will Jaemin do?

Much <3

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