13. Survive

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"What are you talking about." I felt as if my heart will explode any second I was only happy Jeno isn't here to see her falling apart.

"Dad has always said heaven is where the stars are. But there aren't anymore stars. Uncle Jaemin the stars left so where will I go?"

Her words were like if someone was pushing a dagger into my heart. I caught doctor Dejun's almost triumphant gaze, as yes I was that man who has kidnapped the stars, closed heaven, didn't give a damn about Blue Birds or 35 other species living in The Lagoon.

"Ellie you won't go anywhere. You'll stay here, with your dad." I looked her in the eyes seriously when her sobs became less.

"Uncle Jaemin, have you taken good care of Dad?" She asked suddenly.

"Yes I did." I was relieved the conversation drifted onto other subjects. "Do you need anything from home? I'll ask uncle Lucas to bring it here."

"Just Lora and Tedy."

"Is Lora the rabbit?" I asked when she nodded some lively glitters appeared back in her eyes.

"Jaemin, stay here with her." Muttered doctor Dejun before him and the nurse left the room.
Not a minute has passed and the door crackled again.

"Ellie!" Jeno looked like a ghost when he fell inside barely catching his breath from a run.

"Dad!" She almost jumped up, but had no strength for it when Jeno fell to her side caressing over her face and hair, kissing her forehead and nose.

"My Ellie you're still here." He was repeating when I felt so out of place I got up sneaking to the door closing it behind myself.

My phone was over-boiling from texts. Thee-San has sent at least twenty, there were also some from Kim&Kim, senator Zhong and scientists' head Haechan.

'Look at that visual presentation of our definition of power. Mark September 1st in history books as we'll stop being humans and become more than self named gods.'

A text from Hendery crumbled the hair on my head. I opened a video his team had prepared, a computer simulation of all Destroyers, huge armed machines we have built to set up the launching platform storm The Lagoon turning it into a wasteland and a crater, the tide from millions of hectoliters of concrete holding the ocean away. Then transporters called Particles coming, bringing all parts of the launching platform, connecting it in hours. It was raising over the land proudly when the huge string engine, escorted by military troops, was being laid into the heart of the platform like a key opening the doors to another dimension. Outer Space soon raised above it. The image changed into a panorama mood with a massive description unrolling - September 24th a leap into immortality.

"Ellie? Jeno?" I returned to the room after a long walk along the atrium of the clinic, there has been an inner garden with palm trees surrounded by waterfall walls, all underneath a glass roof to protect it from the scorching sun.

"Ellie? Je..."

"Uncle, Dad is asleep." Whispered Ellie placing a finger to her lips.

I saw Jeno has indeed fallen asleep while sitting on the chair with his head leaned against Ellie's duvet, he was still holding her hand.

The man must have been through hell and back to be that exhausted.

"I just came to give you these, uncle Lucas has just brought them." I tiptoed to her bed setting Lora and Tedy on her lap.

Ellie began to clap causing Jeno to almost fall off the chair. I caught him under the arm feeling that stone strong muscles through the fabric of his jacket.

"Dad! See Lora and Tedy came."

"I see." Jeno yawned when I let go off him, my heartbeat still messed up.

"Lucas has rented an apartment not far from here, if you'd like to get a proper shower or rest." I was trying to stop my mind from playing whoever knows what scenes with Jeno.

"I'm fine." Jeno rubbed his face.

"Dad you need to shower." Ellie ruffled her nose in a funny way.

"You see, your woman is telling you that." I giggled.

"I can't leave her alone."

"Lucas will stay with her. She also has uncle Dejun, right?" I glanced at Ellie who nodded. "Lora and Tedy."

"Fine." Jeno got up stretching his back that must have been sore from sleeping in that position.

"Who is uncle Dejun?" Asked Ellie quietly.

"The main doctor. Short, blonde, with glasses."

She nodded again cuddling to the plushies.

"I'll be back as fast as I can." Jeno caressed over her hair before following me outside.

I was numb, so strangely out of place. Shouldn't I go back, ask Three-San to date, instead of staying here with Jeno. There was no connection between us anyway.

There was just strange silence between us all the way to an underground garage where Lucas was waiting next to a heavy car with bulletproof windows. His face seemed troubled again.

"It was difficult to find a decent room, the city is mostly filled with small businesses including drug and weapon sellers. It's a tough life here, nothing just desert for miles, so people have to live somehow." Lucas looked me in the eyes seriously.

I nodded jumping into the car taking a seat in some distance to Jeno. The man was biting on his nails looking back towards the elevator we've just left definitely worrying about Ellie.

I wished to ask him how he has survived the past two years in constant fear of losing his beloved daughter, but he was less than a stranger to me so we kept quiet.

I wished to ask him how he has survived the past two years in constant fear of losing his beloved daughter, but he was less than a stranger to me so we kept quiet

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Thank you for your feedback. Did you like the chapter? What do you think about Jaemin trying to help Ellie the way he can? Will he be able to find a way to communicate with Jeno?

Much <3

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