30. Fire

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"Take care." Jeno's lips tasted like forgetting when we were standing on the rooftop platform of the clinic kissing passionately.

"Say hi to Ellie and let me know once you have time to meet again,"

"I will."

It was so difficult to stop touching, my arms so empty when he pulled back running down the platform.

Some distant dawn was rising above the destructed mountain chain. I have seen photos of that miles long crater left after the probe-sphere's crush.

"Mr. Na."

My hair crumbled at Lucas's low voice.

"Yes." I tuned his way. "Thank you for sitting the night trough with Ellie."

"Mr. Hendery has called, he said there's an emergency and we need to meet him at the City Gardens immediately." Lucas was serious.

Hendery, of course Hendery wouldn't let me live a day peacefully.

"So let's go." I walked towards Space Beyond.

"Will you fly?"

"Of course I will fly. If you want to stay..."

"No, if you're meeting Mr. Hendery I'd rather be there." Lucas lowered his head.

"Great, so come quickly."

I was impatient, my body still crazy after the night I had, begging for Jeno's arms and lips to give it love again.

Lucas ran to the car jumping in. I started the engine taking off hoping none of the cameras had caught me coming here as I didn't need another scene from Dejun. I could imagine his face if he'd see me kissing Jeno like that.

Lucas was quiet holding to the chair his lips moving like in prayers when I was gaining speed over the desert. Today I wished I had Jeno's skills in piloting. The air was dusty, the explosion must have left some freckles of ash-sediments from the destroyed mountains everywhere. Fortunately the dawn was still at least two hours away. The city came soon, a sea of small lights nearing but there were some huge clouds of smoke and flames raising above its center.

"What's that?" I slowed Space Beyond lowering the flight to see in pure horror the City Gardens burning.

"Let me thought! Damn! I'm Na Jaemin owner of the gardens!" I was yelling at some firefighters who covered my way right after landing.

"Let him though!" I saw Hendery.

The glow was playing on his face, his hair was matted from sweat, the temperature around was insane, the air so dusty it was hard to breath.

"What happened?" I reached him covering my nose and mouth with my sleeve.

"That criminal Lee Jeno has paid people to burn the City Gardens." Said Hendery when I was ready to literally slap him again.

"Damn nonsense!"

"Who else wants your project shutter?"

The question hang in the air dangerously.

Jeno was kind and simple, he wanted to protect Ellie and her dream about Blue Birds.

I refused to believe he had some hidden motives.

"Detective Jung is here, he will lead an investigation that will prove that the Jeno guy is behind it and put the criminal behind bars once and forever!" Shouted Hendery to be louder then the suddenly collapsing roof.

"Gentlemen get out of the danger zone!" The firefighters pulled us further away from the burning buildings of the greenhouses.

I heard a rumor as if the sky was cracking right behind turning around to see the row of houses on the other side of the street falling into pieces.

"What's that!" I yelled running that way, but Hendery and Lucas caught up to me grabbing me tightly to stop me.

I saw black machines with over fifty light-like eyes and huge mechanical claws causing them to look like giant tarantulas tearing the buildings into pieces as if they were just toy houses.

"No! Fucking!" I whispered. "What are the Destroyers doing here! Stop them!"

I was yelling but no one listened, some firefighters running our way to help Hendery and Lucas to hold me down.

"I ordered them here! We can't have the fire spread over the city!" Said Hendery right into my ear when I sank to the ground watching hopelessly how the merciless machines designed to tear everything they meet on the way into dust and ruins were crushing people's houses like some damn crumbled paper pieces. I didn't even dare to ask if Hendery has evacuated the people inside. I didn't dare to ask. Knowing Hendery...

"Drink it down." Lucas placed two pills and a glass of water on the floor next to me.

"What's that?"

"Some post-traumatic psychotropic pills. Doctor Dejun has prescribed." Muttered Lucas.

The dawn was raising but the whole word was still numb. I was sitting on the floor in the long corridor leading to my bedroom in my house staring at the opposite wall almost without blinking.

"Mr. Na I don't want to get into you business, but is Hendery really the right person to take for such a dangerous mission? I mean he will not back off from anything." Muttered Lucas.

"I know, but... sometimes there might be decisions to make maybe I'd never."

"Please drink it." Lucas sighed.

"I will not take anything Dejun had prescribed. Maybe it's some magical pill that will turn me into an unicorn or maybe make me only wish to be selfless and do good to people." I looked up at Lucas who even managed to smile faintly.

"I only know doctor Dejun is a decent guy." He muttered walking down the corridor.



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Thank you for your support. What do you think about Jaemin's mornin, the gardens burning? Do you believe Jeno like Jaemin does? What will he ask Lucas?


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