33. Husband and daughter

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"I was thinking a lot about grandfather and father lately." I said looking straight at my mother.

"They have been great men." She focused her gaze on the table clothing. "Your father left too early." She sighed. "Maybe if he had been born in other times when technology and medicine would have developed more... but let's focus on today, your dream, your mission. Jaemin you are the first human who can become immortal." She took my palm in her hand caressing it gently.

Immortal or dead, there's no other way I thought.

"Mother, I've met someone." I muttered when she let go of my hand.

"I've heard about that thing going on between you and that dumb secretary." She sighed.

"No it's someone else. He..."


"Listen to me. He has challenged me like nobody else, made me curious about him, about life again. I'm feeling like back to myself when I'm around him, like in a safe place."

My mother was quiet watching me in an intense way thinking hard. I have told her about Renjun in high school, came out to her and even though she had been skeptical she has never judged me.

You know you're very young, your sexuality is a process, it might change a few times in your life, just accept whatever comes - she had told me back then.

Yes my process had me through hell and back, trying out all types of geometrical shapes with any gender just to understand myself, to put a freaking label on my sexuality - straight, gay, queer, bi, pan, non-binary, questioning, looking, but it turned out there was none that fitted. Maybe sexuality needed no label as it was free like the human being.

Even though my first instinct might be gay.

"Jaemin you're leaving in three weeks and six days. It's probably the least right moment to get involved." Muttered my mother.

"I know but there's a glimmer of a chance he might go with me."

"Jaemin to become an astronaut requires special physicality and skills."

"He has been and Air Force pilot."

She nodded.

"Why are you telling it to me, do you expect my blessing or something."

"No I don't need your blessing have given my own to it. It's just, he has a daughter and she is dying on cancer, I don't know how much time she has left." My voice suddenly cracked, some tears left my eyes without a warning. "And it reminds me of father. I know we had stand him leaving, but I don't know if Jeno can stand losing Ellie. I really don't know. The problem is I already love them both."

I felt her hand in my hair caressing over it. She was completely quiet as there were no words able to bring any relief, but I knew out of all people on Earth she could understand.

The tears have dried on my cheeks when I was sitting in Space Beyond watching the house I grew up in. I guess my mother had been sad, I was making her sad putting myself into choices that could only leave me ruined and heartbroken, but it was too late to step out of Jeno and Ellie's life now. I was involved too deeply.

After a short battle with myself I found Jeno's number in my contact list pressing a video call.

"Hi." Jeno was grinning when he picked up. He was in the clinic's patio looking so good my heart became weak and I wished nothing more than to hold him in my arms again.

"Hi." I must have blushed terribly.

"Uh..." Jeno gave out a strange sound rubbing the backside of his neck, we had absolutely no idea how to talk to each other after last night.

"Dad! Look there's a butterfly!" I heard Ellie's cute voice.

She appeared on the screen a moment later when Jeno lifted her seating on his lap.

"Uncle Jaemin is calling." Whispered Jeno pointing at the phone screen.

"Hi uncle. Why aren't you coming to visit?" Asked Ellie waving to me.

"I had a lot of work will come to visit once I can."

She nodded. I saw her face being less troubled, the shade of her skin a bit healthier, so maybe there was hope. I wished.

"How are you feeling?" I leaned against the seat watching them both unable to believe how perfect they were, how many feelings they were causing.

In some strange different world it seemed as if I was calling my husband and daughter just to see them, yeah, keep dreaming Jaemin in a few days you'll be a space citizen not Earth citizen, so all earthly things should be left here.

"I'm good uncle Jaemin. I can play in the greenhouse and there are so many things here. I have seen a butterfly today." Ellie smiled widely.

"I'm happy to hear that." I caught Jeno's eyes which caused a heatwave to reach my toes. His eyelids fell almost shyly.

"So have you been taking good care of Dad?" I asked Ellie.

"Yes uncle Jaemin."

"That's great, keep up the good work. I'm actually so hap..."

I stopped talking as a call disturbed the video, the caller Hendery.

"It was great to see you two, have a good day I need to go back to work." I waved to them turning the conversation off then dialing Hendery's number.

"If you're distracting me for nothing..."

"There are eight people protesting along The Lagoon's fence. The leaders of that little group are Mark parents."

I let out a loud sigh.

"As you have got an unnecessary impression I'm some kind of villain lately I decided to call you and ask for orders how to proceed with the problem. Senator Zhong has given me a group of soldiers, we can take them down."

"Are they armed?"

"No. They have some ridiculous posters about justice for Mark and Blue Birds." I felt the strong sarcasms in Hendery's voice.

"I forbid you to harm unarmed people."

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Thank you so much for your feedback. What do you think about Jaemin's conversation with his mother and him calling Jeno? What do you think about Mark's parents going out to protest! Will Nomin find a way in that mess?

Much <3

For Ellie (Nomin Version)Where stories live. Discover now