37. Heartless

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The raising daylight was falling through the opened garage door. Jeno has been dressed up an ready to leave, Lucas was standing next to that huge military van that could claim the broken highway back to the clinic, I've seen a meaningful chuckle on my main bodyguard's face.

"See you tonight." Whispered Jeno squeezing my hand.

We both idiots had no idea how to act around each other apart from the bedroom.

"I'll be waiting in the Lagoon, there's a charity event tonight I need to attend but it's super boring so I'll leave early."

"Great." Jeno combed through his hair with his palm nervously.

"Say hi to Ellie."

"I will." He leaned in to peck my lips quickly before running to the car. Lucas was chuckling more definitely thinking how two grown up men can act like some middle schoolers on a first date.

"Jeno! Remember you're a great father. The best father anyone can have. Never forget it." I shouted behind him.

He nodded sending a smile my way.

I stayed in the garage until the car disappeared then stumbled back to my room to collect my yesterday's clothes from the floor. I needed to clear my head, do some morning jogging or something, definitely not think about Jeno when a sudden thought made me totally numb, we had so less time to be together, a weak and two days and I'll never see him again.

"... the greatness we have been working upon is finally here. Take Off Investment has reached the main milestone, that's why it only wants to give back to the people. This year we have been though terrible losses so today's event is dedicated to spreading our generosity towards the families of the victims gone in the City Gardens' fire."

Hendery's voice hit me the moment I entered the huge ballroom in the City Hall. Why did Hendery had a voice, I wondered. It hit me hard when I suddenly imagined him waking up voiceless one day. Maybe in space something will happen, maybe it will change a part of him, can letting go of all known things change a heartless man like him?

Senator Zhong walked my way placing his arm around me rubbing my back cutting those uncombed thoughts.

"You look great tonight." He said.

"Thank you."

I wished Hendery would disappear from that stage where he was sharing fake tears again.

"I can't believe it's just two more days." Senator Zhong grinned. "But the protests are worrying me. The crowd becomes bigger, almost five thousand along The Lagoon fence all encouraged by Mark's parents and that criminal Lee Jeno. Fortunately he didn't show up so they don't have a real leader."

I trembled.

"What makes Jeno a criminal?" I asked through clenched teeth.

"Burning the City Gardens is a huge crime."

"There's no proof it was him." I was trying to stay calm to not to boil over and start to yell.

"Who else had a motive?"

"I don't know, but once I find out I'll make sure this person never leaves prison."

"Good so." Senator Zhong brightened up.

"I'll excuse you for a moment."

I freed myself off his presence running to the exit but bumped into Thee-San on the way.

"Boss." Her face clouded.

"Hi..." My throat dried so suddenly.

I was avoiding her since that unfortunate night with her and Hendery.

"Boss do you want my help or do you have any orders." She asked dryly.

"I... no..." I stuttered.

"So I'm not going to bother you." She sent me a stone cold look mixing into the crowd. I noticed she was the only one who didn't clap after Hendery' speech.

I ran out of the ballroom as it became extra stuffy inside, like in that liquid capsule I was almost drowning in. The night was warm, the ocean breeze carried smells that reminded me of childhood and uncle Taeyong's garden. Why couldn't I simply say sorry to Thee-San like a decent man should. Because you by far aren't a decent man, whispered that tiny voice at the back of my head. Still I wished to apologize to her for what I have done, as I had hurt her insanely. I really wished Thee-San could forgive me one day, that she will find a great man because she deserved nothing less. I wished I will be able to forgive myself one day, that I have given so much power over to a person like Hendery, that I will allow the Destroyers to tear The Lagoon into pieces in two days, that I won't save Ellie.

 I wished I will be able to forgive myself one day, that I have given so much power over to a person like Hendery, that I will allow the Destroyers to tear The Lagoon into pieces in two days, that I won't save Ellie

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Thank you for your support. I hope you're enjoying the story so far, it's a pity that because of the Wattys deadline I need to speed up posting it so much but I'm doing my best to keep it interesting so thank you for staying with me through this journey. So what do you think about Jaemin's struggle? Will he keep going with the plan or will something stop him?

Much <3

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