8. Kinight's code

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"I need to talk to my boss!" Hissed Hendery towards two bodyguards who were trying to stop him.

"Let him in!" I caught their attention so they let go off Hendery who flipped his messy hair.

"There are 35 species of birds living in The Lagoon. Only 35 and there's non special you can't find in any other place." He slammed some printed out papers on the table in front of me.

"Did you make all the way here only to present this?" I raised my brow.

Hendery closed his fists.

"You have so many freaking seagulls along the beaches you can't even finish a burger peacefully while you're there!"

"M... may I interfere." Thee-San's cousin placed some photos on the table. "I am a photographer who had documented every living being in The Lagoon before it has been closed to public. I made this project hoping it can land in some museum someday to show how that place looked like before launching."

His hands were trembling when he was placing the photos on the table one by one.

"You see, here you have all your 35 species, all freaking plain birds." Hendery was boiling over.

I leaned above the photos to see yes birds, most of which I have seen somewhere. They didn't seem special, not even as spectacular as that lion's head on the wall. Just plain birds. Non was even close to be blue.

Why was I even thinking about that nonsense again. Or that peaceful summer day when I have been barely Ellie's age and my father was helping me to collect seashells down The Lagoon to a little basket. That morning the ocean has thrown out a dead seal on the beach and I was so shocked by that sight. Naive I was I believed seals were like people - eternal, right? We could become if my project succeeds.

That sunny day father told me the seal has been poisoned by the pollution of the ocean, as a ship with chemicals had wrecked a few miles from The Lagoon.

"Hendery man, I want plain vocation before taking off. I don't freaking care about any birds. I was leading you on."

His face became extra red, he took a breath in then let it out slowly.

We were watching each other like each time when we were leading a battle.

"That's a good study, keep that photos." I tapped Kun's shoulder them jumped up pulling Thee-San to my body.

"Sweet boss."

"Shut that pretty mouth and come with me."

I kissed her hard putting extra pressure on her tongue.

She seemed stunned but I never care pulling her towards the front door to my Space Beyond.
She never opposed when an hour later I got rid of every peace of clothing between us and brought her to the stars. She moaned my name, begged my name, screamed my name and I was so overfilled with joyful power after making love that I could finally fall asleep peacefully still feeling her fingertips playing with my hair.

I have been a bachelor for ages, could that possibly change now I wondered. The morning sunlight was falling into the bedroom, Thee-San's hot breath was lingering on my chest. She was deeply asleep when my uncombed mind has woken me up early, so I was lying still enjoying the sticky warmth of her skin gluing to mine. The last time I have felt so fulfilled was in that beautiful apartment across high school mum has rented for me. It seemed as if it had happened in someone else's life, widely open balcony doors letting in the smell of spring drizzle and Huang Renjun's tiny body cuddled into mine. First sex, first love, the sweetest beauty of youth, a naive boy getting to know the world. I had believed it will last forever, that I will be waking up next to Renjun each day, not just one more time.

Renjun's angelic beauty has fooled me, I had no idea who he really was. Or wasn't it his fault that he has fallen in love with that wannabe violinist Liu Yangyang and left my heart in pieces, so I swore to myself I'll never ever fall in love again.

Where was Renjun now, I sometimes wondered. Although the wound has been long healed in other people, in bitterness of adolescence.

I have never broken my promise though, until now when I was so close to give myself to someone again. I wasn't in love, but waking up next to Thee-San made me happy. I guessed that was enough.

"You can rest I need to do a few things." I moved causing her to look at me with absent-minded eyes.

"Jaemin... I thought you'll stay for longer. It's Saturday." She stretched her hand out caressing down my chest.

"Another time honey." I brought her palm to my lips then leaned in to kiss her.

It was difficult to let go so I was freaking ready again when I stumbled against my jeans on the floor almost losing balance.

The cold floor of the bathroom was giving my raised senses some release. I walked under the shower letting the icy drops hit me

"Sweet boss wait for me!"

I chuckled turning the water stream to warm, ok I might postpone the duties for a bit of fresh tasty morning love.

Thank you so much for your support, what do you think about the rivalry between Jaemin and Hendery? What about Jaemin's idea to start dating Thee-San? Will he fulfill his plan?

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Thank you so much for your support, what do you think about the rivalry between Jaemin and Hendery? What about Jaemin's idea to start dating Thee-San? Will he fulfill his plan?

Much <3

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