10. People need saving

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"Yes Sweet Boss. What do you want me to do for you tonight? You know I'll do anything you ask for." Thee-San was massaging my shoulders in a gentle way.

"I have something for you."

With trembling hands I fished out the gift box. Her palms stopped moving. Her eyes widened I shock.

"Open." I whispered barely able to take in proper breaths.

Thee-San took the box, she was struggling with the ribbon. We were both cowards when it came to commitment.

"Wow!" There was a beautiful smile raising on her face when she opened the box and discovered the diamond necklace.

"Do you like it?" I asked combing through my hair nervously.

"You... wow. Thank you it's amazing." She hugged me tightly. "Can you put it on?"

I nodded. My throat was so dry, my hands trembling like crazy when I tied the necklace around her smooth neck. Thee-San turned to me, we were both panting like after a sprint. Her shaky fingers landed on my face, I just kissed her fingertips collecting my courage together, lifting my gaze until it met hers.

"I..." I swallowed. "I wanted to ask if you..."


The patio door slammed causing us to jump away. There was Lucas storming inside, one look at his face told me has has bad news.

"There's a problem in The Lagoon." He said.

"What freaking problem!" I hissed.

"The man is back protesting again. Hendery has brought the military, they want to take him down." Spat Lucas out on one breath.

I froze, literarily, the blood in my veins just turned into ice.

"Tell Hendery to not do anything until I come."

My voice was faint, it freaking almost cracked.

"Jaemin you... you wanted to say something." Whispered Thee-San.

"Don't wait for me." I turned from her running behind Lucas my body still numb.

Not today. Dam why from all days he has chosen that to disturb my life again.  What was Lee Jeno thinking going out there? What did he want from me? I needed to find out, to be able to continue living my life peacefully. I rather thought about him than Thee-San and the state I have left her in. Had left myself in. Freaking five minutes later and I would have had that burning confession behind me. Jeno had no freaking idea how difficult it was to confess to a girl. That this man wanted to spend the last two months on Earth doing nothing but pleasure, because after launching he will be traveling for light years in just eternity of cold space. He had no idea who I was, what I was struggling with, what stakes I was against. I could cure at him as much as I liked, though. Nothing could change the fact that I was here parking in The Lagoon, taking a loud breath to collect my courage for the second time today.

The heavy rain was loading out its fury against the whole group of soldiers who had crowded on the pier. Torn storm clouds sliced by thunders were causing the air to become like electrified, the ocean was spitting out huge roaring waves. No piece of the peaceful Lagoon I have been in just a few hours ago left. The moment I left Space Beyond it crushed on me with an icy cold shower. My hair and clothes were wet in seconds, but I ignored running towards the pier.

"You shouldn't have bothered to come here, we're handing things!" Hendery's curls were one wet mess when he has reached me.

"Where is he!" I pressed between soldiers who stepped out of my way reaching the wooden barrier.

Jeno was standing on the beach, his tall figure resisting against the heavy wind. The cardboard poster was flattering in his hands.

"What's written on it?" I shouted to be a bid louder then the fury of nature.

A soldier pressed a field glass into my hand so I put it to my face searching the darkness till I caught up on Jeno. The dark torn hair, the tattoo under his eye and those dark orbs, the despair burning inside them.

Blue birds need saving!
People need saving too!

I read the words on the cardboard feeling some strange tingling that reached to my toes. In that moment I really hated Lee Jeno more than doctor Xiao Dejun, Liu Yangyang, Huang Renjun and all of them. More than I have ever hated anyone.

"I'm going down to him!" I gave the field glass back to the soldier then walked towards the wooden stairs.

The wet sand was slippery, the heavy wind and pouring skies were blurring my vision when I was walking forwards quickly until I was close enough for Jeno to hear me.

"What are you doing!" I shouted, but he was like a rock standing there with a stone face holding that silly peace of cardboard.

Birds needed saving, people be saved. Freaking what?

"Why are you doing it!" I yelled but he was numb to my fury. "Why are you doing it! Answer my question!"

I stormed towards him ready to grab his clothes, push into the sand and punch him like those policemen had done just a few days ago.

"Answer!" I grabbed his rain soaked shirt.

"Uncle Jaemin! Uncle Jaemin!"

Was I hallucinating or has there really been a faint voice like a lullaby in the storm.


I turned around abruptly letting go off Jeno to see a tiny girl standing under the pier. She suddenly began to run our way, her little feet making extra effort in the heavy storm. A fraction of a second later she just collapsed into the sand.

"Ellie!" I yelled running towards her. "Ellie!"

Jeno was close behind me, but I reached her first falling into the sand, shaking her little shoulders, but there was no response.

"Call an ambulance! Damn!"

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Thank you so much for your support. I hope you liked that eventful chapter. What do you think about Jaemin breaking the confession and his second encounter with Jeno? What happened to Ellie?

Much <3

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