15. Possibilities

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Jeno chuckled. 

"Got it when I had left the army."

"You've been a pilot."

"Yep." He sighed.

"Flying is addicting right."

"Haven't been flying for ages." Jeno sighed.

"I have always dreamt of flying so I made Space Beyond. Lucas hates it he's acrophobic." I chuckled.

"My first love was." Jeno sighed again.

"Oh, that's something you can call unsettling interest."

"She couldn't even stand up on a chair without feeling dizzy." Jeno rubbed his face. "Had I stayed with her life might have been easier."

"So why didn't you?" I felt a shiver.

"I was addicted to the adventure, wanted to taste the world, but what I had tasted ricocheted against me."

"I know something about it." I muttered bitterly.

"You? Mr my name is success?"

"Every victory comes with a price." I was facing my palms.

"You're right." Jeno sighed. "I wish that bitch will pay for what she has done to Ellie one day."

"Your first love?" I asked stunned.

"If Kathrin had been Ellie's mother we'd have been a happy family now. No, life never works that way. Life's a bitch, maybe not for people like you, but for the majority of us." Jeno looked me in the eyes seriously.

I nodded. His life story seemed like some exciting puzzle I wished to put into an image piece by piece.

"Anyway I'll take a nap." Jeno took his phone setting an alarm.

"I'll ask Lucas to organize some clothes." I jumped up leaving the room, glancing at the miserable airless balloons.

In the corridor I could breath in again feeling some pins and needles all over my body. What was Jeno doing to me? I have promised myself I'll never ever fall for a man again.

My thoughts were torn and quick, the dusty air seemed to be carrying some smoke, letting the sun rays scatter around a long restaurant room like in a mosaic. Lucas was sitting next to a round table over a cup of extra strong black coffee.

"We need clothes, toothbrushes and stuff like that." I approached his table.

"Have already asked for it, Thee-San has prepared two suitcases that are on the way here." Muttered Lucas.

"Why are you so tense?" I sat down across him. "Is it that town of smugglers and jail runaways?"

"No Mr Na." Lucas sighed placing his phone on the table. "It's that."

My skin began to tingle again, this time unpleasantly when I reached for the phone clicking on the screen to see photos of the City Gardens' glass houses. There have been huge red letters sprayed all over the walls.

Killer of Blue Birds! Na Jaemin Killer! Give back The Lagoon!

"It's an emergency." Hendery looked as if he hasn't slept at all.

It was five am when I have reached the company building.

"Who has done it?" I was walking down the corridor next to him.

"Random citizens. The video shows it have been people from all zones, but I believe it must be the gang led by that criminal Lee Jeno who is behind it." Hendery began to comb his hair back nervously. "We don't need problems like that right before launching. You should have imprisoned him."

I shivered. Was Jeno really setting up a rebellion to destroy my dream or have some others been encouraged by his action.

"Have you heard about the butterfly effect?" I glanced at Hendery.

"He's behind it. I've checked his background. He's an ex army pilot, kicked out for drug use, joined a local gang, had a tough process about parental rights with a woman called Bonnie Sanchez and her partner David Aye. Don't know how it had even happened that the court had given the parenting right to him. Since then he has been caught in a shooting of a dealer in zone 5, but has really good homies who helped him out." Hendery was speaking quickly. "I was trying to find out what Zone 5 Gang wants from you, we even caught one of the leaders and questioned him, but there's no connection proven till now. So it looks like that Jeno has some private vendetta on you."

"That makes no sense." I opened my office walking inside glancing at the magnificent city view in the raising dawn.

The fake stars of my satellites were hanging in the sky like alien spaceships.

"What makes no sense?" Hendery sighed. "Just freaking put him into jail, the social care will provide for his daughter, there are plenty of places for kids like her in orphanages." Muttered Hendery when I suddenly turned to him slapping him in the face.

He was watching me stunned. I was equally stunned.

"Shut up. Never say that again." I trembled.

"It's about the girl right?" Asked Hendery his eyes burning with hate.

"It's my business what I will do about them."

"If you care so much about the child just let him rot in prison while you and Thee-San can adopt her." Whispered Hendery.

I was standing still watching him, the sunrise, the glittering satellites slowly fading in the blue horizon.

Heaven has escaped, had said Ellie. Could I possibly give her a new heaven, a new family. Me and Thee-San could care for her as long as she survives, make her short painful butterfly living a better space. Possible. If I had Hendery's cold hearted nature that never cared...

So many possibilities and so less time. The clock towards launching ticking with each day. I should be at home now telling Thee-San we could become a couple and more, had a possible dying child to adopt.

Let Jeno rot in hell, whispered a tiny voice in my mind.

'Uncle Jaemin have you taken care of Dad?' Ellie's question came back causing goosebumps to appear. Actually wouldn't I want to find out what Jeno was after, who had sent him? What were the Blue Birds? And there was only one way to find out.

Get close to him, seduce Jeno, make him weak for me, so weak he will spill his reasons, reveal those dirty secrets that led him to The Lagoon with a cardboard sign to twist my life upside down and threaten my grandfather's dream.

"Don't do anything now. Let the people protest, let them put their frustration out. I'll take care of him personally." I turned to Hendery who nodded.

"You will destroy him right?" He asked.

"Yes, I'll take care of the matter. Put all efforts into launching preparations. I will not allow anyone to destroy grandfather's dream." I muttered.

"I'm glad you're back to yourself. Your grandfather would be so proud of you." Hendery walked to me closing me into a hug.

Thank you so much for your feedback, I hope the story is interesting so far

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Thank you so much for your feedback, I hope the story is interesting so far. What do you think about Jeno telling a bit of his backstory and the happenings in the city? What about Jaemin's decision to seduce and destroy Jeno after his conversation with Hendery? Is Jeno trustworthy? Is he behind all of that that?

Much <3

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