23. Banned

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"I came the fastest I could. Is Ellie ok?" I passed Mark walking to Dejun who closed his fists.

"What have you been doing?" He asked.

The calmness in his voice was extra scary.

"I... it..." I was at a lack of words.

"What have you been doing? Couldn't you warn us that you will launch something!" His calmness boiled out into anger.

"It wasn't planned to launch tonight... I mean the moment I found out I have sent Mark's ship here to help."

I was feeling like a freaking school boy pampered by him.

"Can't you freaking communicate, let us know there's a threat like that!" Dejun was shouting when I was standing there with my head low.

"I didn't know... I... it was Hendery's idea, his birthday and... He wanted to do something special as it's his last birthday on Earth."

"Yes you and Hendery are always so damn important and ignorant. The biggest ignorants on the planet." Hissed Dejun.

"That's not. We just had a bit of fun!"

"Fun! What fun was so damn important again! Tell me."

I looked up at Dejun my blood boiling as I have ruined my probe-sphere to save his damn clinic, yet here he was as nagging and regretful as always.

"What was it! You know what. I tell you what, Hendery wanted to send his nudes into space, to be the freaking first one to do it so alien species will admire his naked ass and how damn far our civilization has come. But that are things you can not understand. I ruined my probe-sphere, threatened my project to save your damn business here! What do you want more! I freaking forgot that launching the probe-sphere will take up all energy. I forgot, ok! I'm just human after all!"

I stopped yelling panting madly looking at Dejun who's eyes haven't changed a bit.

"I just need to know if Ellie..."

"Ellie is alive." Muttered Dejun causing that heavy burden to lift off my chest. "But three of my patients dyed because of the electricity break down."

I took two steps back from him watching his face, Jeno's face. Maybe I have never met anyone I hated more than Dejun as he had made me feel like a villain each time we met.

"I'll go see Ellie." I muttered, but he crossed my way.

"Leave my clinic. You are not allowed to step your foot in here ever again."

"What?" I even laughed.

"You're forgetting that until the main craftwork establishes back power Mark's ship here is keeping that whole building running."

"So take it with you, just leave my property. Take all your technology, you can take it to another universe or to your grave, wherever you like, I don't care a thing." He was looking me in the eyes causing a heatwave to fill my skin. "For so many years I have thought you'll become the man you could become, but now I see you're like your grandfather, like Hendery. So take Hendery with you and freaking launch today. The world will be a much better place without you two."

Dejun turned around storming down the corridor in the flickering lights when all people who has crowded around the scene were looking at me in shock, only Jeno had some kind glitter in his dark eyes when our gazes crossed.

"Come Mark, we're done here." I muttered turning around.

"Sh-should I take the ship back to Stratosphere?" Stuttered Mark.

"No, keep it here till electricity comes back." I said loud enough for Dejun to hear.

He should know I indeed was the man of my word, it was just him who never wished to see the real me or get to know me.

I turned around walking down the corridor feeling my chin trembling, sudden tears rolling down my cheeks. In all my life no one has ever made me feel so helpless, so out of power, so humiliated like Xiao Dejun.

"Jaemin! Jaemin! Stop for a second." I felt a strong hand grabbing my arm when I turned my head to see Jeno.

"What do you want to tell me? How disappointed you are in me? Go ahead!"

"Thank you. Thank you for doing all of that for Ellie." He suddenly pulled me into his arms hugging me in his strong embrace.

I was like petrified, no freaking sex with Thee-San and Hendery could make me feel that high as one simple touch of that man. I couldn't even find the right words to describe it with.

"I'll do anything for her Jeno. You have my word." I whispered looking towards the elevator at the end of the corridor where Dejun has disappeared.

I could almost hear his sarcastic tone in my head. Everything? What about the string engine?
I guessed Dejun just wanted to ruin me to get back on me for all those rough university years, but I couldn't deny that his words had sunken deeply composing with that tiny voice at the back of my head I was ignoring everyday.

"I don't think like doctor Dejun. I think you have made an amazing thing to help the clinic and Ellie tonight. First I was skeptical towards you but now I see you're our true friend. You have my trust." Jeno let go off me looking me in the eyes.

"Thank you." I couldn't keep his stare so I lowered my head.

"I need to go to Ellie she was so frightened when the lights went off." Jeno's palm tangled around my fingers caressing over them with gentleness.

"In case you have a free moment and want to hang out just let me know." I gulped nervously.
"Lucas can bring you over to the city anytime."

"Good, I will." Jeno smiled in a tired way before letting go off my hand and running down the corridor towards Ellie's room.

"Come Mark, we need to discuss a few things." I looked at the young space engineer before leaving the clinic, as staying here for longer was dangerous.

It made me feel like a bad man.

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Thank you so much for feedback. Did you like the chapter? What do you think about Jaemin and Dejun's argument? What about Jeno's words?

Much <3

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