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"She is already dying!" Yelled Jeno.

"I... he came up with something to ruin me and my grandfather's dream, it's his private revenge or something, there is no poof his crazy idea can work and this! I will never reach another universe without that engine it's the most important part of my spaceship!"

Jeno took two steps back from me.

"Jeno, he... he is feeding you false hope to make me look like a villain but I'm not. If there was a way to help Ellie I would, but..." I ran out of words.

Jeno closed his fists walking towards me and for a second I had the impression he will hit me.

"I'll tell you something Jaemin. That dream of yours or your grandfather's, I don't know who's dream it is, this is bullshit! This here is real. Me, Ellie, The Lagoon we're all real, but you're so fixed on something mystical that you can't see what you have hare. You know exactly you will most definitely die on the way and even if you reach that damn other universe or something there will be nothing left to come back, because before you return the planet will be dead, the Sun will be dead, everything, everyone. But, here you have so many things to care about, that are important, yet you are too blinded to see them." Jeno almost spat it out on one breath before turning from me storming towards Ellie's room. "I will go to The Lagoon now and join the protest and we will not back off. If you want The Lagoon you have to step over our dead bodies." Said Jeno spearing me one last glance before disappearing in Ellie's room, slamming the door shut.

I was standing there like fixed, like if my feet's had been tugged to the ground. It lasted long moments until I woke up then sprinted down the corridors outside. What has Dejun done? Why? I had a chance to take Jeno with me into space when Ellie dies, but now that chance was gone. I couldn't just lose them both as much as I couldn't give the string engine away as it would mean losing it all - Jeno, Ellie and my dream.

The fresh morning reached the city, a sad song was on play in the loudspeakers when I parked Space Beyond in front of the huge production hall. The clock ticking dangerously. This evening I was supposed to give the final speech and officially open the project. Was Ellie alive? That question was coming back again and again like some bad mantra. I came here as I needed to see it one last time, Outer Space finished, to understand what was the real stake of all of that. The workers were bowing low at my sight whispering greetings I never really cared about.

What was Jeno doing?

I pressed the main door to the insanely huge hall open to stop in surprise. There were all production lines working without a break, meters high robots putting up Destroyers, hundreds and hundreds of them.

"What is that?" I asked walking in seeing them being grouped into troops then shipped further.

The skin crumbled on my back, I was just watching it, that insane factory working at full speed. There was no one here just robots, so I was passing lines after lines until reaching a desk with the main computer. My company never needed that many Destroyers, I had ordered to build seven, as it has been proven to be enough to destroy The Lagoon, but there were thousands ready by now. My blood boiled, was someone really plotting something so huge behind my back. Were there really forces involved I had no idea about?

My heart was pounding like crazy when I was nearing the computer leaning above the screen to get into the system and stop that madness, but a password popped up so I typed it in quickly.


Huge letters appeared along the screen.

What? Freaking what?

I began to bang into the keyboard but the computer was spitting out the same nonsense line again and again.




"What is this nonsense!" I yelled throwing the keyboard through the room.

A door opened on the side and I saw Haechan hurrying inside, he was pale.

"Mr. Na."

"What is this?" I shouted pointing at the production lines.

"Mr. Hendery had ordered to make them after the City Gardens burned down. He wants to take a whole group with you just in case it might be necessary."

"What?" I wasn't believing my ears.

Was this day really aspiring to go into history as the worst day of my life.

"That many of them will never even fit into the Spaceship! What are they for!"

"I don't know. I wish I could answer your question Mr. Na, but I really don't know." Haechan lowered his head when I began to tear on my hair.

It was really too much for one man to stand.

"I tried to stop the production but my password has been denied." I was trying to speak calmly, but my voice was trembling.

"Mr. Hendery has come last night, ordered to change all passwords. He is meeting the action holders now, they will vote for depriving you of the company leadership."

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Thank you for your feedback. What do you think about Jeno's reaction and his words? What about the thing Jaemin has found in the company? What will Jaemin do?

Much <3

For Ellie (Nomin Version)Where stories live. Discover now