Chapter 17: The Controversy

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Standing up, I dragged Jer by his shirt, and led him outside the class, as I ignored Skyy's opened mouth, and Gabby's smile. Hitting him against a wall, I turned to him, mad. "What the hell was that about huh?", I asked. I was mad for reasons I couldn't quite figure out yet. "Proving to you that I affect you in ways you're not ready to admit", he said. "What the hell does that even mean?", I asked, confused. He moved closer. "It means you like me Jola", he said. "What?", I asked. "You. Like. Me", he said. "No I do not like you, especially right now", I said.

Before I could think, he pinned me to the wall, and trapped me, making escape impossible. I sighed, as I met his gaze. My eyes widened at what I saw there. "What do you think you are doing?", I stuttered, flustered. "Admit it, you like me", he said. "Of course I like you, you're my friend, Jer", I said. "You like me more than a friend, admit it", he said. I groaned, as I tried to escape, he pinned me harder. "I love Gabriel", I said. "No, you don't", he said. "Yes, I do. I really like him", I said.

"So, you don't feel affected by this?", he asked, as he kissed me softly behind my ear, and I gasped. "W-what are you doing?", I asked. He continued trailing kisses from my ear, to my neck, peppering everywhere with kisses. I closed my eyes, as pools of desire flooded me, I couldn't for the life of me think straight, and I moaned. Jer pulled back, I frowned. "See what I mean? You want me", he said. Now that I had space, my brain began to function. I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, and I doubt it ever will, and I glared at him. He yelped, as he doubled over in pain.

"I don't want you. Asshole.", I said, as I sauntered away from him. I was so mad. What the hell was that? Why the hell did I react that way? I opened my locker with more force than I intended, I took out Gabriel's sweatshirt, and sniffed it. I had decided to give him back his clothe this morning, I didn't want to, but courtesy demanded it. I sighed, as I decided to go find Gabriel. I didn't like the fact that he was mad at me, and I didn't even know where to look. The school was too big to find someone that easily.

I paused when I heard faint murmurings just right ahead, and I smiled, hoping it was him. "Gabri-", I stopped short at the sight before me. Even though I'd envision it, encouraged it, expected it, the image still slapped me so hard, I wanted to cry. There stood Gabriel, and Starr, and they were kissing. They whirled when they heard me, and it was all I could do not burst into tears right then. "Jola", he called. My heart was beating fast, as the tears threatened to spill. I was being an hypocrite, I knew, but just two days ago, Gabriel had told me he liked me, then kissed me, but then there he was, kissing Starr. I didn't know why it hurt me so much, considering it was all I wanted, and when it finally did, I was anything but happy. Why?

"Its not what you think", Gabriel said, as he moved closer. Starr smiled, completely unaware of the way my heart broke. I snapped out of my daze, and I shook my head. "No, its okay. I'm sorry I interrupted", I pressed his clothe to him. "Your sweatshirt, I won't be needing it anymore", I said bitterly. I hugged Starr. "I'm happy for you, you deserve all the love and happiness in this world", I said. I ran out of the class, as I wiped a tear. Gabriel held my hand. "Let me explain, Jola", he begged. "Don't you dare touch me", I said, coldly, as I jerked my hand away from his.

"Please, if you would just listen", his eyes held fear, and I hesitated for a second. "Exactly. I should have listened to that small voice telling me not to hope for something that was impossible. That voice warning me that we wouldn't work, but did I listen? No, I had to fall in love with you, God, I feel so stupid", I said. I stepped on my toes, and I kissed him on the cheek. "I'm happy for you, really. Goodbye, Gabriel", I said. "Jola, please wait", he pleaded, grabbing my hand again.

I slapped him. "Don't touch me", I said. His face fell, and I jerked my hand before running away, his face never leaving my thoughts. The tears blocked my vision, but I ran anyway. I stopped when I ran into a chest, and I quickly wiped my tears discreetly. It was Jer, and just one look made me burst into tears. He held me, as I cried. After I was sure I wouldn't break down again, I wiped my tears and looked at him. "Are you okay?", he asked. I let out a small smile. "Yeah", I replied. "You're not okay", he said. "Of course I am, doofus", I said. I held his hand. "Let's go to class", I said. He pulled me back. "You really wanna go to class after crying?", he asked.

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