Chapter 38 - "Spilling the bean..."

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Nandini: (Moaned) "Ahhh...."

She pressed her head with both hands.

Manik: (In a teasing tone) "Good morning, Mrs Stinko. I hope now you are in this world."

Nandini followed the voice and with blinking eyes saw Manik was standing in front of the dressing table, getting ready for office. Within a second, Nandini came out from the trance and immediately her eyes fell on the wall clock. She got up with a jerk.

Nandini: (Yelled) "Are you mad? It's 8:35. Why didn't you wake me up? I am terribly late for school. SHIT..."

She tried to get down from the bed but immediately pressed her temples as the pain again hit her strongly. She lost her balance for a moment and Manik immediately neared her to support her.

Manik: (Concernedly) "Be careful. Why don't you take a leave for today? Take rest at home. This hangover will be okay."

Nandini: (Swayed her head in denial) "No way. It sounds ridiculous that Nandini Malhotra is taking leave for her hangover. I don't know why this affected me so badly when I took only some sips."

Manik: (Smiling) "Really? In some sips, you became so drunk that you behaved so coquettish?"

Nandini looked at him with a frown. Manik bit his lower lips as he is recalling some sensuous memory.

Manik: (With pretentious surprised expression) "What? Now, don't tell me that you forgot everything that you did last night."

Nandini: (In confusion) "What I did last night?"

Manik: " were behaving very seductively last night. You wanted to do a striptease in front of me. And when I tried to make you understand that you are not in your sense then you pulled me in the washroom and....and after that..."

Manik dramatically halted and inched at Nandini in a tantalizing manner. He caressed her jawbone and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Nandini: (Gulping her saliva) "After that...?"

Manik: (Eyeing her lips) "After that you forced me to undress you and you were so close to me. Your lips (he skirted his thump on her luscious lips), your body, your breath were so close that...that I lost control and was seduced by you and we...we did it in the bathtub."

Nandini: (In disbelief) "WHAT? No way! Mr, Manik Malhotra...I was drunk a bit. I didn't become a nymphomaniac to do it in the bathtub. Stop making me fool."

She pushed Manik softly. Manik giggled to see her expression. She was totally crimson.

Manik: (Giggled out) "Why do I need to make when you are already? Just look at your face. You almost fainted to hear my fantasy."

Nandini: (Rolled her eyes) "Fantasy? Making out in the bathtub is your fantasy?"

Manik: (Licked his upper lip) " ultimate fantasy with you. Under warm water...playing with bubbles and with your soft skin. Having your back on top of me. Pressing your boo..."

Nandini immediately shut his mouth by placing her hand on his lips.

Nandini: (In a trembling voice) "Stop it Manik..."

She hid her face on his chest. Her body was shivering in shame. With an affectionate smile, Manik encircled her.

Manik: (With a light tone) "Okay, I will stop. But tell me one thing; if you were feeling so dizzy last night then why did you come alone by auto? You would have called me to pick you up. And I also have complaints against Navya and Shreya. They shouldn't leave you alone at night when they know you are not at all used to drinks. What if you started behaving weirdly in the auto as you did to me?"

The last line came with a suppressed giggle. Nandini sensed it and fisted his chest. All of a sudden, something lightened up in her mind. She lifted her face from Manik's chest.

Nandini: (In a serious tone) "Manik, last night someone was following me."


Soha's place: Her bedroom: 8:45 am:

Soha was getting ready for the office when her mobile pinged. Getting irritated she glanced at it and within a fraction of a second, her vexed expression turned to a curious one. She swiped the green button in haste.

Soha: (burning in curiosity) "Hello....any news? Did you get that person?"

An unknown voice: "Yes, I followed him and got his address but till now, there is no sign of suspicion. I have been observing him for the last two days and came to know that he mostly spends his time in two places. One is as you say Manik Malhotra's flat and the other is some Shreya Sharma's apartment. Every day Gattu Singh leaves Mr Manik's flat around 9 am and comes to Shreya Sharma's place. Here he spends the entire day and near 6 pm he again returns to Mr Malhotra's flat. In between, I haven't seen him getting out or going anywhere. I think he cooks for both of the houses. There is nothing to suspect."

Soha: (With a snigger) "Mr Detective, I think I haven't hired you to give this much information. Even I could have found out these baseless petty details. To get something exclusive, you have to peep inside those places and their lives and I hope for this I don't have to tell you the modus operandi because for that only you are being paid by a lump sum amount. Get glued to that cook. I want to know what he is cooking in real."

Soha's tone was menacing. A brief silence passed and the unknown voice again came into life.

The unknown voice: "As you say, Madam. I will. By the way, I have noticed something else too. I don't know how it is related to this case but every day a lady around 23-24 yrs comes out from Shreya Sharma's flat and takes an auto to go somewhere. But she is not Shreya Sharma. I already confirmed it. Very soon I will get back to you with more information."

Soha: (In a vexed tone) "Do whatever is required but I want to know everything about this Gattu Singh and the people who are associated with him. Anyway, I am getting late. After this, do call me when you have some solid and interesting."

Saying this she cut the call.

Soha: (Murmured with an ominous grin) "The game is on, Manik. Very soon your every off the record matter will be on my table and then I will turn the table."

Author's note: Guys last Wednesday I have published my new general fiction 'Luscious Love'. Please read it and tell me if you want more general fiction from me. Your suggestions and views are important and welcomed. Lots of love. And again a reminder about Friday the 15th. Fulfil the target of 4000 votes soon so, that I can start its sequel. 😊😊😊❤❤❤

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