Chapter 7: The Invitation

Start from the beginning

I wanted to go talk to her, when I noticed Gabriel walking towards me out of the corner of my eye. Without wasting time, I placed my head on the table, and pretended to be asleep, maybe he wouldn't talk to me if he saw I was sleeping. I felt his presence, as his perfume engulfed me. I breathe in a load of air, filled with Gabriel Brown. "I know you aren't sleeping", he said. "You are not a very good actress", he added. I sighed and raised my head, looking at anywhere but him. "Hi", I said. "Knock knock", he bellowed. I looked at him, confused. "Knock knock", he repeated.

"Who's there", I indulged him. "Jola", he said. "Jola who?", I asked. "The one who's been avoiding me like the plague", he answered. I looked down. "I wasn't avoiding you", I said. "Yes, you were, and we both know it", he said. "The question is why?", he asked. "I've been busy", I said, where was the teacher when you needed them the most? He studied me, I ignored him. There's absolutely no way I was gonna fall for him, it was too dangerous. I glanced at Starr out of the corner of my eye, she was staring at us, trying to know what we were talking about, and just plain ignoring Finn, who looked so hurt, my heart ached for him. Mr Williams was nowhere in sight and I'm out of places to look out, based on me avoiding Gabriel's intense stare.

"How's Gabriella?", I asked, trying to break the awkward silence. "There she is", Gabriel said, looking at the entrance of the class, I trailed his eyesight. Gabriella was advancing towards us, with me in her gaze. I was definite happy for the distraction, as anything was better than this awkwardness. But I wasn't the only one admiring her, because, and I cannot stress this enough, Gabriella was beautiful. She ignored the stares and the catcalls she was receiving, but Gabriel didn't. She gave him a look I interpreted as 'calm down'. When the guys saw Gabriel's angry face, they removed their gazes as they were scared, shit even I was scared. It made me remember when I first saw him, frowning at every living thing, and I'd almost forgotten that side of him, cause when he was around me, he'd always smile.

Like the fool I was and without thinking, I touched his hand, hoping that will calm him down. He tensed even more, so did I, and I rushed to remove my hand but his hands gripped mine, as he refused to let go. Like I said, I was a fool, and I also looked like one with the way I smiled, heart beating rapidly, and butterflies flying around in my stomach. It was the first time I'd held a boy's hand, and it was warm and amazing, his hand engulfing mine.

Gabriella finally reached us, saw our clasped hands, and gave her brother a knowing look and I blushed, while removing his hand from mine. He frowned at me, and the butterflies reached my heart. I remembered my vow to use my head, instead of my heart when dealing with Gabriel. How far has that gotten you, Jolayemi? Gabriella had bent down, rested her elbows on the table, and then faced both me and Gabriel squarely. "Hey", I said. Like her brother when he smiled, she showed dimples, but it was only on one cheek. "Why have you been avoiding me?", she asked, scolding me with her eyes. I groaned as I made a mental note not to be a detective. "I haven't been avoiding you", I lied. "Yes, you have. Gabriel and I talked about it", she said. I blushed harder. They've been talking about me? What exactly have they been talking about that's gotta do with me? I glanced at him. "You've been talking about me?",I asked. He looked uncomfortable, and Gabriella answered. "Sure he has, and he can't shut up about you. Oh, Jola did this. Did you know that Jola said this today? Jola-", Gabriella said.

"Okay, that is enough talking, little sister", he glared at her. "Why are you even here?", he asked. Gabriella's eyes lit up with excitement as she couldn't contain her joy. Oh boy. "I want to invite you to my little brother's birthday on Saturday", she said, handing me an invitation. I opened my mouth as I stared at her in surprise. Was she really inviting to her brother's birthday? I opened mouth to gently turn her down.

"Before you say anything, can I just make it absolutely clear that you cannot say no, neither will you give shitty excuses. You have to make up for avoiding me", she said firmly. "Of course, she'll be there", Gabriel answered for me before I could open my mouth. A lightbulb shone on my head as I got an idea. "Sure, but on one condition", I said. Gabriella raised an eyebrow. "I'm bringing Skyy and Starr", I said, pleased with myself. It was a perfect opportunity to introduce Starr to Gabriel, and I didn't plan on wasting it.

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