88. Adieu

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Song Request: Taylor Swift- Mary's song (oh my my my).
This song is purely about our sweethearts Aby and Sona.
The morning when Sona confessed her love to her 'Romeo' Aby, they sealed it with a soul-searing kiss. No words were exchanged and the silence between the two was nothing less than nirvana.

They walked hand in hand to the palace but Swarnima retrieved her hand and both felt a void instantly. Abhedya questioned her 'what?' through his eyes.

"You are the king and it's not correct to roam around hand in hand with your protector. Not until..." Swarnima tried to explain to Abhedya the rules but he cut her in the middle saying...

"How? Like how do you find perfect ways to spoil things!?" Abhedya was angry. It was after ages they were together, like sweethearts.
Abhedya calmed himself and brought her close, "Sona, I am not missing out a single moment now. We have been punished with enough separation, now, no more. Besides, if you are a moment spoiler, trust me I am the moment creator." He lifted her face from her chin and bent his own. The drug he just injected himself with in the middle of a road, his body demanded a dose more of it.
Swarnima came out of his grip and ran towards the main entrance. Abhedya chased her just like their horse and buggy days.

Aby and Sona did not fall in love. They grew in love.

************************************** 'Caging the demon'

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'Caging the demon'

Ten days post hunting down the demon, Dushyant marched into the gates of the palace.
He challenged the king and protector of Swarnbhoomi to come out and they did. Along with Rudra, Randeep and Maan.

"You swine!! You played me. You faked Rima's death. She is alive and attacked me with the help of a girl... maybe this 'protector' Swarnima. Just hand her over to me else I will take you to court." Dushyant was fuming in anger.

"Attacked you? Really?? When?? Rima as we know passed away years before. Her house caught fire." Rudra was calm but inside he was fuming.

Dushyant was not in good health still he held Rudra's collar and shouted, "you know that's not the truth. Just hand over this bitch and her mother. I will not interfere in your matters that's my 'word'."

Rudra slapped Dushyant hard making him fall on the ground. "One, mind your language. Two, Swarnima is the lifeline of this state and her life is of utmost importance. Three, what proof do you have that they attacked you."

"I don't require proof. I guess your choice is clear and mine too. I will kill this girl and her mother. In the process, if anything happens to anyone one of you..." Dushyant stopped speaking when he saw Gene coming.

"Waiting to meet my darling? Aww... I have a fan!" Gene winked and Dushyant was baffled to see Rima LIVE.

"H... h.. how is it possible? You killed yourself in front of my eyes, to save yourself from me. How can you be alive? I killed Swadesh and your house was burnt. There was no possibility of you being alive? How on earth?" Dushyant rubbed his temples and his anger grew.

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