85. Coronation- of unity

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The security guard pressed a button and a tik tok sound was heard. Maan boxed the guard and shouted, "where is the bomb placed? Answer now!! Else you don't know Swarnbhoomi's punishing practices are a nightmare." Maan's eyes spitted fire.

The guard's face was bleeding but his wicked smile didn't fade. "Two marks with one stone was always our policy... your king shall die and his protector will be hanged. Hahahaha" Swarnima twisted  the guard's ear so hard that he screamed in pain. "Under the carriage"
Eklavya picked up Abhedya like a child which caught him off guard and ran to a bullet proof car. He stuffed Abhedya inside and warned him, "if you want Nim to not be held for breach of duty, STAY INSIDE."

The bomb squad came and detected a bomb placed under the wheel of the carriage. Everyone stepped behind and the squad began the dangerous task. Prayers didn't stop. The time was five minutes which meant the plan was to not just harm or kill the king but the innocent public too. In five minutes the carriage would have reached the streets where people have assembled to welcome their new king.

Sweat beads on everyone's faces. The media was quiet but their cameras didn't stop. Though the live telecast of the procession was stopped. It could be disturbing for the viewers.
Just like a high action film the bomb squad diffused the bomb saving their king and his kingdom. A sigh of relief from everyone present at the spot.

Abhedya opened the door of the car he was locked and walked upto the rogue guard. He slapped him hard pulled his collar and whisper shouted, "If you don't start speaking now, trust me you won't see the next moment. Though even if you tell, you will be punished... how? You would not like to hear."

Maan separated Abhedya from the guard who was crying and pleading for mercy. "The rival king will kill my family as it is. I was unable to do the task assigned. Kill me your highness. I don't want to live." Abhedya fisted his palm and smashed the guard's face. Maan ordered his men to take him away.

Rudra and Randeep came there and questioned, "What's the plan now?"

"The state shall see no one can harm us. They are safe and secured in Swarnbhoomi." Abhedya declared making everyone proud and he sat on the carriage again. His eyes finally locked with Swarnima who looked disturbed. He smiled and gestured her to relax and she did. They were each other's peace mechanisms.

The royal band strummed the victory tune and marched ahead of the carriage. Behind them were the security forces protecting Swarnbhoomi. Tara led the special intelligence services squad. Swarnbhoomi was known to provide accurate and prompt information about any doubtful or questionable activities.
Today, however they were unable to spot the enemy's pawn and this was a major set back for them. But, they proceeded with the procession as per their king's order.

The moment the royal parade entered the streets the crowd cheered and waved the state's flag and whistles to welcome their new king. Abhedya was taught how  to wave the public in a subtle and sober manner. But, our hero Romeo king was not amongst those who followed rules.

He waved in an equally excited manner. The ones folding their hands in his respect he didn't nod to acknowledge them, instead he also folded his hands to them. As if, all this was not enough he whistled back like a rowdy to the whistles of the crowd.

When he saw few kids dancing to the tunes of the royal band  he got down from the Carriage and picked one kid in his hand and danced happily with the group. Swarnima went near him to stop him. It was not how the kings behaved and above all, it was extremely risky. Abhedya pulled Swarnima in the centre of the group and twirled her. The band played louder and changed to happy tunes.
"Kunwar sa, please get back. It's risky." Swarnima tried to stop the mad dance but Abhedya was unstoppable. Swarnima could not help the smile grace her beautiful face. Arya and Nivedya joined their brother in his carefree dance too blessing the reporters feed. The handsome royal princes were dancing on the street with a bunch of kids. Those who got close up were sure of soaring TRP's.

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