33. Secret Wars

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Abhedya was still trying to sink in what Swarnima wished. His heart and mind were debating. It was then he closely observed her room. It was a medium-sized room. Not too big not too small just perfectly cosy. Her bedsheet was a plain white one with two very fluffy pillows. Reading lights on both sides. Plain curtains, a doormat with strips, a small closet she wears same clothes her regular t-shirts and jeans they would fit on a single shelf. A dressing table with a moisturiser, face cream, comb, hairbrush, hair oil. That's it! Haha! Girls have their dressing loaded with makeup... she doesn't have anything? Must be hidden. To divert his mind Abhedya got the files, hard disk and laptop in Swarnima's room and sat on the bed.

He went to the kitchen to get himself something to drink but just milk? No soft drink, cola, nothing. How does this girl survive? Abhedya thought. So, he came back to the room inserted the hard disk and hit run the programme. He went through it for an hour, when he decided to take a break and explore the room. Abhedya was curious to find something that would help him solve the mystery Swarnima is. How could one survive in such extreme conditions?

He went inside her bathroom. It was sparkling clean. The floor tiles and wall tiles shined. The fruity smell of orange and lemon hit his nose and he remembered Swarnima smelled fruity. Though they haven't been physically close enough. The thought of going that close to her brought a red hue on his face. He saw his face in the mirror and it was then something seemed different to him.
He did the mirror check and found it was a two-way mirror. He removed the mirror from the wall and found a picture. A picture of Swarnima's family, his family and Maan's family. It was the same picture he gifted her, he knew because he had made a heart on it with Swarnima and himself in it. It was probably one of the last pictures they had together.
Fond memories!!
Best time.
He took the picture with him. It was laminated to protect it from any damage which means she also considered it precious. There was nothing from the past in her house except for this picture which was his gift. Does this mean he holds a special place in her life?
'You idiot! I told you, you do and she still rules ME accept it.' Abhedya's heart was shouting.
'She may feel for him but he cannot reciprocate her feelings. She is not his type.' His brain argued.
'His type? She is tailor-made for him.' Abhedya's heart rests on his case.
'She cannot be anybody's type. She is still hanging on to her sorry past, those baseless rules she follows. She needs help and as an acquaintance, what her parents have done you should help her.' Abhedya's mind suggested.
Abhedya found his brain's argument logical but the picture in his hand was messing with his decision.
So, he again jumped on the bed and started working. The programmes seemed logically and analytically correct. The girl had indeed put in a lot of effort. The sorting criteria were perfect. The commands were easy and the programme was user friendly and interactive. Still, a proper design and its security were to be planned.
Abhedya was highly impressed. Swarnima was intelligent and put her knowledge to use. No doubt his father wanted her to work for him.

After two hours Swarnima entered her house and didn't find Abhedya. She thought he must have gone. So, she came to her room and found the cutest and the dreamiest site in front of her. Abhedya was sleeping with a laptop in his hand and his head tilted to the left. He looked oh! So adorable.
'Adorable? Sexy! That is what you mean Nim. At least don't lie to yourself.' Swarnima's heart scolded her and a smile came on her face.
The hair that came on his forehead were telling Swarnima to put them in their right place. Swarnima's hands were shivering but her resistance gave up and her hand slowly reached his forehead when he opened his eyes.
Time stopped!
Swarnima's hand a millimetre away from touching his forehead.
His eyes captured in her spell.
Only heartbeats could be heard. After a minute Swarnima's hand reached its place without achieving its motive. Abhedya also cleared his throat and asked, "done with today's class?"

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