50. House-warming

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Swarnima and Abhedya were standing close to each other. Swarnima was standing in Abhedya's circle. The circle in which she could stand till the time Winnie the Pooh starts to hate honey and Ariel stops singing.
'Winnie the pooh? Ariel? Seriously Nim? You are standing encircled by the man you love and you are thinking of cartoons? Stupid stupid girl!' Swarnima's brain cursed her and she removed Abhedya's hands and stepped back.

"Is your bimbo brigade on strike that you are now flirting with me?" Swarnima asked him picking up her things. She could not face him and show her reddened cheeks.

Abhedya again pulled Swarnima from her elbow and made her look in his eyes and affirmed, "Flirting? With you? NEVER!! You are meant for the sufiyana kind of love. I do wish to discover all the mysteries that are in you."

"What the hell is wrong with him? Aby!! Don't do this. Behave like the jerk you are. That would keep me sane." Swarnima's heart requested Abhedya's heart.

Swarnima put her hand on Abhedya's forehead to check his temperature. "You don't have a fever. Did the mystery girl hit your head?"

"Hahaha! No!! She proposed to me. I guess girls can't resist my charms." Abhedya said ruffling his hair.

'Ufff!! He looks so adorable when he does that.' Swarnima's heart was losing it.

"And, it's vice versa. You can't resist their charm." Swarnima was still picking her things and putting them in right place.

"Yesterday, if you are talking about... Raina... we were... we didn't... do anything. She was throwing herself at me. So, many times she gave me hints, then directly she asked. I swear, I refused." Abhedya clarified following Swarnima.

Swarnima crossed Abhedya and looked at her room. Spick  and span like before.
"If you will give her reasons to think like that, she will think like that. I suggested before too. Don't mislead someone. Flirting is not always good. If you genuinely like someone tell them. But, you, start with anyone anywhere. Is there a stop button to you?" Swarnima asked him.

"That's a breather!! Feels fresh to flirt around. What will you understand? Have you ever flirted? Of course not! Try sometime and see it's so much fun. I'll  teach you." Abhedya and Swarnima came to the living room.

"Sorry! But I have better things to learn. These are my two months now, I can do whatever I want to." Swarnima chirped clapping her hands.

"Let's see. Who rubs off on who? Challenge?" Abhedya and Swarnima shook hands and accepted the challenge.

Abhedya left her house after a little while and went to Mystic Grill. It had been a long he didn't hang out with them. It was still afternoon yet they gathered and had fun. At about six when Abhedya left the place he reached his house and found a few messages on his WhatsApp.

Maan: sharp 7 at the farm. Girls have arranged a little welcome party. 😀😀
Arya: I was welcomed enough yesterday what more is left. 🤯😳😳😫
Swarnima: will reach at sharp 7.
Maan: 👍🏻
Abhedya: will reach. Arya need details brother... hahaha

Nivi was sitting in their hall waiting for Abhedya and as soon as he reached Nivi said, "Abhey! I am so jealous of you. You are going to live at the farm and I will be here alone.
But, I am proud of you. You thought so much for Nim." Abhedya ruffled Nivi's hair. His little brother suddenly sounded like a big boy.
"Abhey, can I request you something?" Nivi asked.

Abhedya was amused. "Request? Wow! Nivi. What's it?"

"Abhey, I don't know what's the relation between you and Nim. But, don't play any games with her. She is our princess, and treat her like one. Please become her protector, for life. If you think you can. Because I know, you will be the best she can get." Nivi hugged Abhedya.

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