8. Music is only love looking for words

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The above is a quote by Lawrence Durrell.

Last night when Abhedya saw a gloomy Nivi he gave him the little panda which Swarnima gave him. Nivi smiled ear to ear and turned pink.
Abhedya couldn't believe his little brother was growing big and developing feelings for someone.

But who better than Abhedya knew age is no criteria for feelings. He fell in love when he was ONE. He obviously didn't know the feeling back then but he knew that the girl only belonged to him and he only belonged to her. 

Nivi asked Abhedya to give him time to understand what he feels and then he shall tell him everything if there is anything. So Abhedya gave him his privacy and didn't dig in further.

Saturday morning was unusually bright and sunny. It brought a new ray of hope for two souls who were waiting to reunite.
Swarnima knew what she was going to do tonight, she was sorted.

Abhedya on the other hand had no clue why he was smiling for no reason. He zoned out a couple of times during the day. He couldn't concentrate on his work something that never happened. Abhedya was an absolute workaholic and sincere when it came to doing something and hated it if he couldn't accomplish his set goal. Today was different though. He didn't do anything. His mind was diverted somewhere.

In the evening he texted Swarnima, "hey want a ride? You obviously can't come on cycle so far. #promisepact." He absolutely didn't want to show his concern (just yet).

Swarnima smiled and texted back, "thank you! but I have my ride and no it's not my cycle."

Abhedya wanted to know how she will come but he couldn't ask her. They were not friends yet, just "PROMISE BUDDIES." So, he got up to get ready. He grabbed his white button-up shirt black jeans and black blazer. He gelled his hair, wore his Gucci semi-formal shoes, borrowed his father's 'Omega Speedmaster' and most importantly his Gucci guilty intense.

When he went down the young maid working dropped the vase she was cleaning and ran inside.
"Oh my my!! Where is my handsome going? On a mission to kill all out there?" Nandini commented on Abhedya and put kohl from her eye behind his ear.

"Mom!! I am big now! You don't need to do these evil eye protections," Abhedya was blushing.

"You will always be my child. But, what's the occasion today?" Nandini enquired putting her arms around Abhedya's neck lovingly.

"Just move. That's my space okay." Rudra's voice came and he removed Nandini's hands from Abhedya and pulled her to himself.
Nandini giggled only to be pulled by Abhedya again.

"Stop your tug-of-war now." Nandini scolded the two men.

Finally winning the war for his lady against his son Rudra questioned, "what's special but?" Scrutinising his son from head to toe.

"Guys!! I always look handsome. So, now let me go else I'll miss the showdown between Adah and your favourite Nim," Abhedya informed his parents setting his hair.

Rudra nodded Nandini so she requested him,  "Abhey please take care of Nim. She is not habitual with such places."

"Why are you so concerned about her? She is just a tuition teacher to Nivi," Abhedya's suspicions grew.

"Just do as told Abhey. She is a special girl please take care of her. Your questions shall soon be answered, son." Rudra replied with assurance.

Abhedya furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but confirmed, "Fine! But I need my answers SOON."

Abhedya drove off the gates of their mansion and reached Mystic Grill where a stage was set like every Saturday and people were performing. Jokes, poems, stand up acts, songs or anything to showcase whats within you but all original was the only condition. What different today was the presence of 'Della' the singing sensation of Swarnbhoomi. She was called to judge the singing competition today.

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