Chapter 55 - Unescapable fate

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"Wake these garbage up," The governor ordered without looking at his man. Instead, he crooked a finger at me and shifted his eyes to the white wooden chair placed infront of him. Shuffling slowly to the white wooden chair, I glanced at Dieci who got to work immediately, slapping the two men into consciousness. When that had failed to work, Dieci splashed buckets of water at them.

The name of his subordinate called for a light sheen of sweat on my back. I bit down on my lips, hating the fact that I understood the origin behind Dieci's false moniker. Dieci means ten in English. This man was the tenth one to be branded. A calling that reminded that person, he or she was bounded to the governor permanently like the mark on his or her arm. It was extremely humiliating but not above the fear the governor's men must feel for their master.

I sat down on the chair and crossed my legs, swinging the blood-red pouch around my finger. "Where are my brothers?" I asked but the governor was distracted by my actions. Muddy brown eyes gleamed at the thought of having the ring, the one thing in the world that could harm him. For someone like the governor, I wondered would he destroy it or display it proudly for the rest to see.

A sharp tip nicked at my jugular and a trickle of blood ran down my neck. Another bodyguard had appeared from nowhere. "Where the fuck are you guys hiding in? The washroom?" I whined, keeping my cool. Seriously, I always wondered how these big-shots arranged their entrance. They have the most interesting ways to present themselves.  The governor chortled, "Hand over the ring, sweet Diana."

"Do you really think Sam Mente is stupid enough to store evidences into just one ring?" I sighed at the overly arrogant governor. The deceased Mente head was intelligent and very capable, he would not put all his eggs in one basket. A fact that the governor knows better than me.

The governor perked up at my suggestion, a little torn. His greatest fear is losing his authority. Since there were only rumours about the Mente's ring, it explained why he went so far to retrieve it. However, if Sam had used other methods to store evidences of his crimes, the governor would not have any reliable ways to find out if that was true or false. That monster mercilessly hunted down everyone on Sam's side and eradicated them. Not once did the governor tried to settle this with a civilised conversation, it was obvious that he would not know the full plans that Sam Mente had.

Not knowing would push the governor into hesitation, and that was enough for me. I only hoped my bluff would be enough to buy me a ticket out of here, alive. "What else do you know?" He interrogated, no longer having that easy smile. Clicking my tongue at the short knife on the verge of piercing into my fragile skin, the governor told the bodyguard to back off with one look.

"Where are my brothers?" I tried again, staring at the governor. He broke into a wide grin and declared, "You lying bitch." Luckily I had quick reflexes. The short knife stabbed into my palm instead of my jugular. Ignoring the throbbing pain in my hand, I kicked the bodyguard's groin and he backed off. However, I caught the governor shooting him a look before he did so  and became aware that pain was not a deciding factor in the bodyguard's actions.

Despite seeing blood dripping from my palm and feeling the relentless throbbing pain, I forced my body to relax against the chair. "Look. I don't want a stupid title or to expose your sinister crimes. I just want to make my real family whole again. You tell me where they are and let me off, and I'll tell you all that I know." I revealed, injecting every ounce of sincerity I have into my voice.

Before the governor could say any further, the two awoken men were screaming. Albeit muffled, their expressions were enough to show that they were terrified of the one before me. Dieci slammed the back of his rifle into their heads but it only caused the two men to have an even greater reaction.

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