Your first steps

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~ Optimus ~

Lately Optimus knew that you were finally going to start walking soon. You had already learned how to stand up by leaning against something, so naturally walking would be next. 

"Alright Y/C/n, come here." Optimus said as he sat on his berthroom floor while you were standing/leaning against something.

You looked at your sire and knew what to do. Slowly, you let go of the object you were leaning against and stood up on your own. Then you took a few steps forward until you were in your sire's arms.

"Siwe!" You said happily as you tried to hug him.

"You did a good, Y/C/n." Optimus said proudly.


~ Ultra Magnus ~

One afternoon while your sire was getting a bottle of energon ready you wanted it right away. You always watched how everyone else walked and you wanted to try. Slowly, you leaned against something and stood up. Once you were up you let go of the object and balanced yourself. You only took a few steps before your sire turned around and saw you.

"Y/C/n, you're walking." Magnus said in shock.

You smiled up at your sire as you took a few more wobbly steps. Right as you were about to fall Magnus caught you and held you. You giggled as he picked you up and handed you the bottle of energon.


~ Ratchet ~

It was another boring day at the Autobot base. The kids were at school and most of the other Autobots were out on missions. It was basically just you and your sire. When Ratchet left the med bay you saw something shiny up on a counter. You knew that if you wanted to somehow reach it you would have to stand up. 

You slowly figured out how to stand up. Right as you took your first wobbly steps Ratchet walked back into the med bay. He was surprised to see you up and walking.

"Siwe!" You said happily when you saw Ratchet.

"Y/C/n, you're walking!" Ratchet said proudly as you walked over to him.

Once you were hugging his stabilizer he picked you up. Once you were up enough you tried your best to hug him.


~ Bumblebee ~

"::Come on Y/C/n, come to sire.::" Bumblebee cooed as he held his arms out.

You looked at your sire as you leaned against a small crate. Lately you had been trying to walk and Bee was hoping that you were ready. You looked at him as you let go of the crate and stood up on your own.

"::Good job. Now come to sire.::" Bee cooed again.

You took a few wobbly steps forward and got used to the feeling of walking on your own. You took a few more steps until you reached your sire.

"::Good job Y/C/n, you walked all by yourself!::" Bee said happily as he picked you up and hugged you.

You giggled as he picked you up. You wrapped your arms around his neckcables as best as you could, hugging him back. 


~ Cliffjumper and Arcee ~

You giggled as your sire was helping you walk again. Lately your sire and carrier were teaching you how to walk and you absolutely loved it. 

"Alright Y/C/n, I'm gonna let go now." Cliffjumper said as he slowly let go of you. 

You stood still as he removed his servos from yours. You just stood still as you watched him go kneel on the floor next to your carrier. You slowly and carefully took a step forward. Once you knew that you weren't going to fall you took a few more steps until you reached your carrier.

"I knew that she could do it!" Cliffjumper said happily, making the other Autobots in the main room look at him.

"Of course she could. She's our little warrior." Arcee said proudly as she picked you up and hugged you.


~ Smokescreen ~

One evening after the kids went home Smokescreen decided to watch some tv. You were with him in the main room, playing with some toys. You were starting to get sleepy and you wanted to cuddle with your sire. Since you had been practicing walking recently you decided to try it. You used a crate to lean against so that you could stand up.

Once you were up you slowly let go of the crate. You took a wobbly step and knew that you weren't going to fall. It only took you a few wobbly steps to reach your sire. When you reached him you leaned against him.

"Hey Y/C/n, wanna cuddle?" Smokescreen asked you.

"Ya." You said sleepily.

Smokescreen smiled as he picked you up and laid you on his lap. You yawned as you closed your optics and went into recharge.


~ Bulkhead ~

"Miko, what are you doing?" Bulkhead asked Miko one day after bringing her to the base.

"I'm trying to teach Y/C/n how to walk." Miko said, smiling up at him.

"Miko, Ratchet said that it would be a while before Y/C/n could walk on her own." Bulkhead said, reminding her.

"But look, she can already stand up by leaning on things." Miko said, gesturing to you.

Bulkhead groaned and facepalmed. You looked at your sire and wondered what was wrong. You slowly let go of the item you were leaning against and wobbled for a few seconds. Once you got balanced you slowly took a few wobbly steps towards him. Bulkhead was shocked when he saw you walking towards him.

"I stand corrected." Was all Bulkhead said.


~ Wheeljack ~

"Alright Y/C/n, come to sire." Wheeljack cooed as you stood/leaned against a wall in the Jackhammer.

You smiled as you looked at your sire. You trusted him, so you let go of the wall and stood up on your own. It took you awhile, but you finally took your first wobbly step. You took a few more wobbly steps before you fell.

"Good job, you're learning quickly." Wheeljack said as he caught you before you hit the floor.

You smiled as you wrapped your arms around your sire's neckcables. Wheeljack was proud of you for finally taking your first steps. He couldn't wait to show the other Autobots what he had taught you. 

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