Your favorite thing to do with them

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In this chapter you're about two


~ Optimus ~ 

Recently Optimus had been reading to you a lot. He would read both Earth and Cybertronian fairy tales to you right before bed. You loved it when he read stories to you, but you also loved it when he told you about his time as Orion Pax and how Cybertron used to be. He would even show you pictures on his datapad.

"What story do you want me to read to you tonight?" Optimus asked you as he sat on his berth with you.

"Alfa Tion." You said happily.

"Alright, I will tell you about my time with Alpha Trion." Optimus said, smiling down at you.

You listened intently as Optimus told you about Alpha Trion and his time as an Archivist. You wished that you could have been with your sire and met everyone he told you about. 


~ Ultra Magnus ~ 

One evening after Magnus finished going over some mission reports he was able to spend some time with you. When you found out that your sire was going to spend time alone with you, you were happy. 

"Alright Y/C/n, what do you want to do?" Magnus asked you as he sat on his berth while you were sitting on his lap.

"Cuddle!" You said happily.

Magnus was slightly surprised by your answer. He laid down and you laid on his chassis. You loved cuddling with your sire since he made you feel safe. Magnus still wasn't used to having much physical contact with anyone, but he knew that someday you would grow up. So he decided to enjoy his time with you while you were still young.


~ Ratchet ~ 

"Alright Y/C/n, please hand me the screwdriver." Ratchet asked as he held his servo out.

You picked up the screwdriver and handed it to him. Since you were about two now Ratchet would allow you to help him out in the med bay. You loved helping your sire, even if you were only handing him tools.

"And, it looks lik- scrap! This thing keeps breaking!" Ratchet said as the device he was working on blew a fuse.

"We'll fix it!" You said enthusiastically.

"I hope so." Ratchet huffed.


~ Bumblebee ~ 

As some music played you and your sire danced around. Since you both were completely alone at the Autobot base Bee decided to play some music so that you both could dance around the main room without anyone looking at either of you as if you were crazy. You giggled as you waved your hands in the air and didn't care. Bee smiled behind his mouthguard as he danced along to the music. You absolutely loved spending time with your sire and Bee loved spending time with you.


~ Cliffjumper and Arcee ~ 

"Alright Y/C/n, where do his optics go?" Cliffjumper asked you as he held you in front of a Cybertronian sized snowman.

Arcee and Cliffjumper had gotten permission to take you somewhere snowy so that you could experience it. They naturally chose somewhere safe. They built a snowman and now you were getting to put the face on.

"Um, here." You said as you put the two rocks where you thought the optics went.

"And what about his intake?" Arcee asked you as she handed you a few rocks.

You stopped to think for a moment before you put the rocks where you thought the intake was. You smiled as you admired your work. 

"That's uh, pretty good." Arcee said, looking at the lopsided face you made.

"You did good." Cliffjumper said as he kissed your forehelm.


~ Smokescreen ~ 

"Okay Y/C/n, what does the cat say?" Smokescreen asked you.

"Meow." You replied.

"What does the dog say?" Smokescreen asked you.

"Bark bark." You replied.

"What does the Cyberpanther say?" Smokescreen asked you.

You looked at your sire as if he was crazy. You didn't know what a Cyberpanther even was. You loved it when your sire asked you what Earth animals sounded like, but you didn't know about Cybertronian animals.

"Smokescreen, she doesn't know what those are!" Ratchet called out from the med bay.

"Oh yeah." Smokescreen said, remembering that you didn't know about Cybertronian animals.


~ Bulkhead ~ 

"Okay Y/C/n, catch the ball." Bulkhead said as he rolled a ball across the floor.

"I got it!" You said happily as you caught the ball.

Bulkhead smiled as you giggled. You rolled the ball back to your sire and smiled as he got it. You held your servos out, ready to catch the ball again. You loved playing catch with your sire. Everyone in the main room smiled as they watched you and Bulkhead playing catch.


~ Wheeljack ~ 

You and your sire were currently out on another adventure. This time you both were looking for some kind of relic. To you, it was more like a treasure hunt. You used a small shovel as you helped your sire dig in the dirt. When your shovel hit something you got excited.

"We found it! We found it!" You said happily as you bent down and dusted away a thin layer of dirt that was covering the relic pod.

"You did good, Sunshine. Now all we have to do is take it to the Autobot base." Wheeljack said as he dug the pod out of the dirt.

You couldn't wait to see what the relic did. Once Wheeljack had the pod he stood up and picked you up. You giggled as you clung onto your sire's armor.

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