How they find you

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~ Optimus ~ 

Optimus was out on an evening drive to clear his processor. He loved Earth's scenery since it was beautiful. As the sun was setting he pulled over and transformed so that he could sit somewhere to watch the sun go down. When he heard a chirping sound behind a rock he went to go check it out. 

"By the Allspark." Optimus whispered to himself as he saw a sparkling. That sparkling being you.

You chirped as you looked up at him in confusion. You were suddenly excited to see him and you made grabby hands, wanting to be picked up. Optimus carefully picked you up and cradled you in his arms. He knew that he couldn't just leave you where he found you.

"Ratchet, I need a groundbridge." Optimus said over his comlink.


~ Ultra Magnus ~ 

Magnus was out on a solo patrol so that he could clear his processor. He still wasn't quite used to the way things were on Earth. When he picked up a life signal he went to go check it out. Once he got to a cave he transformed and walked in. As he passed the entrance he heard a chirping sound, almost like a sparkling. 

"What the…?" Magnus asked when he saw you in a corner.

When you heard a mech's voice you looked straight at him. Magnus nearly felt his spark stop when he saw you. He carefully picked you up and decided to bring you to the Autobot base with him. As soon as he was out of the cave he commed Ratchet for a groundbridge.


~ Ratchet ~

Ratchet grumbled angrily as he walked around one of the canyons near the Autobot base. Since everyone else was busy he had to go look for the life signal that he picked up. His optics widened when he saw a small escape pod. He ran over to it and saw that it was of Autobot origin. He carefully opened the pod and saw you recharging in it. 

He was shocked that you were inside of the pod. He wasn't sure what to do, but he knew that he couldn't let the Decepticons get you. As soon as you woke up you started crying loudly.

"Shhh, stop crying. I've got you." Ratchet said as he carefully picked you up out of the pod. 

You stopped crying as soon as he picked you up. You looked up at him and immediately knew that you were safe. Ratchet wasn't sure what to do when you cuddled up to his chassis. So he decided to bring you to the Autobot base.


~ Bumblebee ~

Bumblebee was on his way back to the Autobot base after dropping Raf off at home. Since it was night time the moonlight shone brightly. When he got a Cybertronian life signal he beeped angrily since he wanted to get back to base and recharge. He drove in the direction of the signal and transformed.

"::Hello? Is anyone there?::" Bee asked, expecting an answer.

When you heard some talking you cried out. You had been sitting in the desert for a few days and you were getting weaker and weaker. Bee soon found you and picked you up.

"::Hey little one, where'd you come from?::" Bee asked you curiously.

You looked up at him and yawned. Bee felt his spark break when he saw that you were tired and malnourished. He commed Ratchet for a groundbridge and hoped that you would be okay.


~ Cliffjumper and Arcee ~

Cliffjumper and Arcee had been sent out to search for energon. Since they were together they quickly found an energon mine. They stopped in front of the mine and transformed.

"Woo, look at all that energon." Cliffjumper said happily as he walked into the mine

"It doesn't look like the Decepticons have found it yet." Arcee said, walking next to him.

They soon stopped walking when they reached the main cavern. Cliffjumper hugged Arcee from behind. When they heard a strange sound coming from a corner they cautiously walked over to it. Their optics widened when they saw a sparkling. When you looked up at them Arcee's carrier coding kicked in and she immediately picked you up.

"Uh, Arcee, that's a sparkling." Cliffjumper stated.

"I know, but we can't just leave them here." Arcee said, holding you close.

"I suppose that it would be alright. And it would be nice to finally have a sparkling of our own." Cliffjumper said as he smiled at you.

"I just hope that Optimus approves." Arcee said as she and Cliffjumper made their way out of the energon mine.


~ Smokescreen ~ 

When Smokescreen had been driving through the desert he decided to stop somewhere and stretch his stabilizers. As he was walking around he came across a strange pod. He quickly found out how to open the pod and when he saw you sleeping inside he carefully picked you up.

"Hey there little guy, where'd you come from?" Smokescreen asked you as you opened your optics.

You took one look at the mech who found you and immediately decided that you liked him. You made a chirping sound as you opened your intake wide, wanting him to know that you were hungry. Smokescreen stood up and commed Ratchet for a groundbridge. He hoped that no one would be mad at him for finding you.


~ Bulkhead ~

Bulkhead was out somewhere with Miko when he started getting a life signal. He told Miko about it and she couldn't wait to see who it belonged to. They looked around for a while before they came across you. You were badly damaged from crash landing since your pod was torn apart from the impact.

"Oh Primus!" Bulkhead said in shock as he carefully picked you up.

"I didn't know that you guys could have babies!" Miko shouted when she saw you.

"We call them sparklings, and this one is badly damaged." Bulkhead told Miko before he commed Ratchet for an emergency groundbridge.


~ Wheeljack ~ 

Wheeljack was just out flying around in the Jackhammer when he picked up a life signal. When he got to where the signal was coming from and landed he saw a Vehicon holding a small Cybertronian pod. It only took him a few minutes to get rid of the Vehicon so that he could get the pod. When he brought the pod into his ship and opened it he saw you sleeping inside. As you opened your optics he felt his spark melt.

"Hello there, little Sunshine." Wheeljack cooed as he carefully picked you up.

You weren't sure what was going on, but you felt oddly safe with the mech who found you. Wheeljack knew what he needed to do and he called the other Autobots and told them that he was going to visit them and bringing a guest. 

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