A cute family moment

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~ Optimus ~ 

"Who that?" You asked your sire one evening while he was showing you pictures on one of his old datapad.

"That is Elita 1, my sparkmate." Optimus told you.

"Pwetty." You said as you looked at the pink and white femme on the screen.

"Yes, she is. I hope to one day introduce you to her." Optimus said, smiling fondly at the picture.

"Carrier?" You asked your sire.

"Yes, she would make a fine carrier for you." Optimus told you before he swiped to show you another picture.


~ Ultra Magnus ~ 

"Siwe, I bored." You said one day.

"I- what would you like to do?" Magnus asked you.

You hadn't expected him to ask you that question. Since Magnus had already done everything he needed to do he had time to spend with you.

"Moovie!" You said happily.

"Uh, sure. We can watch a movie." Magnus said as he carried you to the main room to watch a movie on the tv.

You giggled and clapped your servos. You were excited to finally spend one on one time with your sire. Magnus was happy that he could spend some time with you and actually be not so busy that he could be your sire.


~ Ratchet ~ 

Recently Ratchet had given you a toy tool kit that matched the one he had. Your favorite tool in the kit was the wrench that was identical to the one your sire had. One afternoon while Wheeljack was visiting he was put in charge of watching you while Ratchet went to go get some energon. Unfortunately he seemed to be very interested in a device Ratchet had been working on and, well, accidentally broke it while touching it. 

"Wheeljack!" Ratchet gasped as he walked into the med bay and saw what was happening.

"Siwe needed dat!" You shouted as you threw your toy wrench and hit Wheeljack's stabilizer.

Both Ratchet and Wheeljack were shocked at what you just said and did. Ratchet was quite proud of you.

"Uh, easy there, Doc." Wheeljack said nervously.

"You have three seconds to run. And don't call me Doc." Ratchet said as he grabbed his wrench.

"I'm sorry! I promise that I won't mess with anything else again!" Wheeljack said as Ratchet chased him out of the med bay.


~ Bumblebee ~ 

You laughed loudly as your sire tickled you. Bee smiled behind his mouthguard as he tickled you. You vented and laughed even louder as you became more sensitive. Since the berthroom door was open your laughter echoed off of the walls.

"What are you doing?" Arcee asked Bee as she passed his berthroom.

"::I'm tickling Y/C/n.::" Bee replied.

"Oh. Well carry on." Arcee said as she left.

After Arcee left Bee focused on you again. When he stopped tickling you, you vented heavily. Once you had settled down Bee picked you up and hugged you. 


~ Cliffjumper and Arcee ~ 

One night about two weeks after Cliffjumper and Arcee brought you to the Autobot base Cliffjumper got back late after a long patrol. When he drove into the base and transformed he saw that everyone had already gone to their berthrooms for recharge. As he walked to his and Arcee's berthroom he heard humming.

"Cee, is that you?" Cliffjumper quietly asked as he walked into the berthroom and closed the door.

"Yes. Y/C/n was having a hard time going into recharge, so I decided to hum an old Cybertronian lullaby." Arcee replied.

"I knew it sounded kinda familiar." Cliffjumper said as he turned the light off before joining you and Arcee on the berth.


~ Smokescreen ~ 

"Alright Y/C/n, say sire." Smokescreen said as he sat on the berth next to you.

"Wace." You said, smiling up at him.

"No, say sire." Smokescreen said again.

You looked up at your sire curiously. Lately he had been trying to teach you more words, but he wasn't having much luck. What he didn't know was that you knew exactly what you were doing.

"Wace." You said again.

"No, carrier. I mean sire." Smokescreen said, getting a little flustered.

"C-c-cawwiew!" You said happily.

"No, I'm your sire, not your carrier." Smokescreen said sternly.

"Cawwiew." You said firmly.

"Why do I bother trying?" Smokescreen asked himself.


~ Bulkhead ~ 

"Alright Y/C/n, here it comes." Bulkhead said as he rolled a ball to you.

You giggled as the ball rolled towards you. Since you were too young to lob he decided that rolling a small enough ball was good enough. When the ball reached you, you rolled it back to him. You giggled when the ball rolled across the floor.

"Lob!" You said happily as he rolled the ball back to you.

"Yeah, I guess this is like lobbing. But safer." Bulkhead said as he rolled the ball back to you.

While you and your sire were playing with the ball the other Autobots couldn't help but smile. Ratchet was just thankfully that Bulkhead was being careful for once. 


~ Wheeljack ~ 

One afternoon when Wheeljack located an energon mine he decided to go check it out. You couldn't wait for him to land the Jackhammer so that you could go outside. As Wheeljack flew to the energon mine he turned the radio on and played some music that he deemed safe for your innocent audio receptors. When he got to the energon mine he saw that there were a few Decepticons.

"Are you ready to kick some Con tailpipe?" Wheeljack asked you.

"Aw ya!" You said enthusiastically.

"That's my Sunshine." Wheeljack said as he started firing at the Decepticons.

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