They bring you back to the Autobot base

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~ Optimus ~ 

When Optimus got back to the Autobot base everyone saw that he was holding something. Everyone was curious, but they were silent.

"Optimus, is that what I think it is?" Ratchet asked Optimus when he saw you.

"Indeed, old friend. I have found a sparkling and I need you to check them." Optimus said as he and Ratchet went into the med bay.

Everyone else followed the two mechs into the med bay. Optimus laid you down on the med berth so that Ratchet could scan you. By now you were wide awake and was curious about what was happening.

"It's a femling and she seems to only be malnourished. I'll get a bottle of low grade energon ready for her." Ratchet said as he went to the energon storage room.

"Autobots, I would like you to meet our newest member." Optimus said as he carefully picked you up and showed you to everyone.

"Aw, she's a cutie." Wheeljack said as he looked at you.

"I suppose that she's alright." Arcee said, not sure what to think of you.

Optimus was happy that the other Autobots approved of you. He knew that they would all do their best to keep you safe. Meanwhile, you were looking at everyone curiously.


~ Ultra Magnus ~

When he got back to the Autobot base everyone went silent. He went straight to Ratchet and everyone followed. He was a little nervous about what everyone would say about you.

"Doctor, I need you to check this sparkling." Magnus told Ratchet as he placed you on the med berth.

"By the Allspark!" Ratchet said as he grabbed his scanner and scanned you.

You whimpered as Ratchet scanned you. Everyone, including Optimus, was shocked that Magnus brought you to the base.

"Well?" Magnus asked Ratchet.

"She appears to be healthy, but she's going to need some low grade energon." Ratchet said as he went to go get a few things.

"Magnus." Optimus said, finally saying something.

"Sir, I believe that this femling's creators are offline. If it's alright with you, I would like to be her sire." Magnus said as he picked you up.

"Yes, that would be alright." Optimus said and he looked down at you.

Magnus smiled a little before he looked at everyone else. He relaxed a little as he saw everyone smiling and waving at you. He hoped that he would be a good sire for you.


~ Ratchet ~

When Ratchet got back to the Autobot base he immediately took you to the med bay, put you on the berth and scanned you. You giggled as he scanned you. Thankfully you weren't too damaged or malnourished. The scan also said that you were a femme, so that way he wouldn't have to check the old fashioned way.

"Ratchet, are you sure that you can care for a sparkling?" Optimus asked Ratchet as he and the other Autobots walked over to him.

"Yes, I'm sure. Besides, I don't really leave the base." Ratchet said as he picked you up.

"Aw, she's pretty cute." Smokescreen said as he looked at you.

"If you influence her in any way I'll throw a wrench at you." Ratchet warned Smokescreen.

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