When they have a nightmare

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~ Optimus ~ 

One night shortly after Optimus found you he found himself having a nightmare. As he twitched in his recharge you woke up. You didn't understand what was going on, so you patted your sire's chassis. Optimus felt someone patting him and he woke up.

"Y/C/n?" Optimus groggily asked you.

You only stared up at him, as if asking him what was wrong. Optimus smiled down at you, feeling more relaxed. You both soon went back into recharge.


~ Ultra Magnus ~ 

Recently Magnus had lost one of his servos. One night however while you both were recharging you woke up when you heard him grunting. As you sat up you saw him shaking.

"Sire?" You asked, hoping he heard you.

Magnus woke up when he heard you call for him. He immediately looked in your direction and realized that he was safe. You were worried for your sire and hoped that he was okay.

"I'm… I'm sorry if I woke you up. I'm okay." Magnus said before he laid back down.

You were happy that your sire was okay. You laid back down and went into recharge.


~ Ratchet ~ 

One night while Ratchet was recharging he began to have a nightmare. He started flinching and groaning, making you wake up. You looked at your sire and wondered what was wrong.

"Sire?" You called out.

Ratchet flinched, hard, before he woke up. If he were human he would have woken up in a cold sweat. He looked around his berthroom and realized that everything was fine.

"I'm fine, go back to recharge." Ratchet told you.

You did as you were told and went back into recharge. Ratchet took one last look at you before going into recharge again.


~ Bumblebee ~ 

Bee quietly beeped and buzzed as he twitched on his berth. He thought that he wasn't going to have anymore nightmares, but apparently he was wrong. You woke up when you heard your sire begging for his life.

"Sire?" You asked loudly as you sat up in your crib.

Bee heard you and immediately woke up. He looked around his berthroom as he heavily vented. His gaze soon turned to you. He got off of his berth, walked over to you and picked you up.

"You okay?" You asked your sire curiously.

"::I- yes, I'm okay.::" Bee said, not wanting to worry you.

You relaxed as Bee got back on his berth, laid down and laid you on his chassis. It didn't take either of you very long to go back into recharge.


~ Cliffjumper and Arcee ~ 

Arcee withered and shook as she recharged. Cliffjumper immediately woke up when he felt a wave of panic over the bond. 

"Cee, wake up." Cliffjumper said, gently shaking Arcee's shoulder.

"Where's Y/C/n?" Arcee asked as she shot up and frantically looked around the room.

"She's in her crib." Cliffjumper said.

Arcee got off of the berth and rushed over to your crib. She vented a sigh of relief when she saw that you were alright. She carefully picked you up and brought you to her and Cliffjumper's berth without waking you up. After she laid down and laid you on her chassis she and Cliffjumper went into recharge again.


~ Smokescreen ~ 

"B-but Optimus, I am worthy! Just give me one more chance!" Smokescreen said desperately as he recharged.

You woke up when you heard your sire talking. As you sat up you looked in his direction. Since there was a night light in the room you could see your sire.

"Sire?" You suddenly called out.

"I'm up!" Smokescreen said as he sat up.

You weren't sure what was wrong with your sire, but you knew that he was nervous about something. Smokescreen looked around the room and his gaze eventually fell on you.

"It's fine, I was just having a bad dream. Go back to recharge, Y/C/n." Smokescreen told you as he laid back down.

You laid down after taking one last look at your sire. You hoped that he would recharge more peacefully now. As you laid down you quickly went back into recharge again.


~ Bulkhead ~ 

Bulkhead whimpered as he recharged on his berth. As the night went on his nightmare got worse. When you heard your sire crying you woke up.

"Sire?" You asked, calling out to him.

Bulkhead heard you and sat up. He took a moment to wipe his energon tears away before getting up and walking over to your crib.

"I'm fine Y/C/n, it was just a nightmare." Bulkhead told you.

"I here for you sire." You said as you looked up at him.

"I know." Bulkhead said softly as he leaned down and kissed your forehelm.

You reached up and quickly hugged your sire. When Bulkhead stood up he walked over to his berth and laid down. You laid down and went back into recharge.


~ Wheeljack ~ 

When Wheeljack woke up and yelled your name in the middle of the night you were startled. Wheeljack vented heavily as he looked in your direction. He quickly got off of his berth, walked over to your crib and picked you up.

"You okay sire?" You asked as he hugged you.

"I am now." Wheeljack said as he walked back to his berth, laid down and laid you on his chassis.

"What wrong?" You asked him curiously.

"Just a little bad dream. Try and get some recharge." Wheeljack told you.

You didn't need to be told twice. It didn't take either of you very long to go back into recharge. Wheeljack was happy that you were his ray of Sunshine whenever he was having a bad day/night.

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