They name you

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~ Optimus ~ 

The next morning when Optimus woke up he saw that you were looking at him. He cradled you in his arms as he sat up.

"I believe that I should give you a name. I believe that Y/C/n seems fitting." Optimus said as he looked at you.

You looked up at him and let out a bunch of happy sounding clicks and chirps. Optimus smiled at you, happy that you seemed to like your new name.


~ Ultra Magnus ~ 

After Magnus woke up the next morning he realized that you would need a name. As he carried you out to the main room he saw that everyone else was already up. As you woke up you looked at everyone.

"Good morning, Magnus. Have you come up with a name for the sparkling?" Optimus asked Magnus.

"I was thinking, and I believe that her name should be Y/C/n." Magnus replied.

"Y/C/n is a fine name." Optimus said as he looked at you.

You looked up at your new sire as he cradled you in his arms. Magnus smiled down at you and knew that he had chosen a good name.


~ Ratchet ~

"Let's see now, what should your name be?" Ratchet asked as he looked at you as he put you on the med berth.

You looked up at him as he started pacing. Ratchet randomly said Cybertronian names as he paced, trying to figure out what to name you.

"Ah ha, Y/C/n!" Ratchet said after a few minutes.

You looked up at him, loving your new name. Since no one was watching, Ratchet picked you up and carefully hugged you.


~ Bumblebee ~

The next day after Bumblebee brought Raf to the Autobot base after school he went to go pick you up out of your makeshift playpen. You were happy to be picked up by your new sire.

"Hey Bee, have you come up with a name for her yet?" Raf asked Bee curiously.

"::Well, I was thinking of Y/C/n, but I'm just not sure.::" Bee told Raf.

"I think Y/C/n sounds nice." Raf said as he smiled up at his guardian.

"::Then Y/C/n it is.::" Bee said happily.


~ Cliffjumper and Arcee ~

When Cliffjumper and Arcee woke up they saw you looking up at them. Arcee picked you up and cradled you in her arms.

"Cee, we gotta come up with a name for our new sparkling." Cliffjumper said after a few minutes.

"How about LightningStrike?" Arcee asked.

"Nah, it doesn't fit her. How about CliffCee?" Cliffjumper asked her.

"No, that's our ship name. What about Y/C/n?" Arcee asked him curiously.

"Yeah, Y/C/n is nice. And it fits her." Cliffjumper said as he smiled at his sparkmate.


~ Smokescreen ~

"Hmm, let's see now. Cherrybomb? No. Skywire? Nah. Straightbreaker? No. Oh, how about Y/C/n!" Smokescreen said as he finally came up with a name for you.

Ever since you and your new sire woke up the next morning he had been trying to come up with a name for you. He seemed to have many, many name ideas. But after a while he finally found one that seemed to fit. 

"Come on Y/C/n, let's go get some energon." Smokescreen said as he carried you out to the main room.


~ Bulkhead ~

When Bulkhead woke up the next morning he took you back to the med bay so that Ratchet could check on you. You were looking a little better, but he was still worried. 

"Well, how is she doing?" Bulkhead asked Ratchet after a while.

"She's doing a little better. Have you picked out a name yet?" Ratchet asked him curiously.

"I was thinking Y/C/n. It seems to fit her." Bulkhead stated.

"I suppose that Y/C/n does fit her." Ratchet said as he looked down at you.


~ Wheeljack ~

The next morning when Wheeljack brought you out to the main room he saw that Jack, Miko and Raf were already in the human area. He smiled down at you as he walked over to where the kids were hanging out.

"Jackie, have you named your sparkling yet?" Miko asked him as she ran over to the guard rail.

"No, not yet." Wheeljack replied.

"How about Blue Lightning?" Jack asked.

"Or Joltsaber?" Raf asked.

"Oh, Firefrost is good!" Miko said loudly.

"Y/C/n is a good one too." Raf suggested.

"Y/C/n fits her pretty good." Wheeljack said as he looked at you.

You looked up at your new sire and made a series of happy chirps and clicks. Wheeljack smiled at you, happy that you liked your new name.

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