They introduce you to someone

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~ Optimus ~ 

Optimus was slightly nervous as he got ready. He had invited Elita over for dinner and he hoped that everything would go well. When he heard the doorbell ring he went to answer it.

"Elita, come in." Optimus said as he opened the front door and let his long lost lover in.

"Optimus, I've missed you." Elita said, smiling up at the mech she loved.

"I've made dinner." Optimus said as he closed the front door.

Elita smiled as Optimus led her to the dining room. She already knew that Optimus had adopted you and it made her love him even more. Your optics widened when you finally got to see Elita for the first time in real life. Optimus, being the gentlemech he is, pulled out a chair for Elita to sit down in before he let himself sit in another chair.

"You must be Y/C/n. Optimus has told me a lot about you." Elita said as she turned to you.

"Sire has told me a lot about you too. It's nice to finally meet you in person." You said politely.

Optimus smiled, happy that you and Elita were getting along well. That evening you got to know Elita better. Elita was happy to finally get to know you as well.


~ Ultra Magnus ~ 

You were extremely nervous as you paced around your berthroom. Your sire was bringing Chromia home so that you could finally meet her. When you heard the front door open and close you rushed to the living room. When you reached the living room you saw a blue and silver femme sitting on the couch next to your sire.

"Y/C/n, this is Chromia." Magnus said as you got on the couch on the other side of your sire.

"Uh, hi." You said nervously.

"Your sire has told me about you." Chromia said as she made optic contact with you.

"O-oh… My sire has told me about you too." You said, rubbing your servos together.

"There is nothing to be nervous about, Y/C/n." Magnus reassured you.

"Okay." You said quietly as you looked up at him.

Magnus smiled down at you. For the rest of the afternoon you and Chromia got to know each other better. She was stubborn, a lot like your sire. But she was also fairly nice.


~ Ratchet ~ 

As you sat in your sire's office you couldn't help but fidget a little. Today was the day that you were finally going to officially meet Red Alert. Ever since you bumped into her you were nervous to actually meet her.

"Y/C/n, it's nice to finally properly meet you. I am Red Alert." Red said as she smiled a little.

"Um, hi." You said, nervously waving at her a little.

"Red has told me that you both have run into each other." Ratchet said, a small smirk on his faceplates.

"Y-yeah, it was an accident." You said nervously.

"Y/C/n, I assure you that there's nothing to be nervous about." Ratchet said as he walked over to where you were sitting and put a servo on one of your shoulders.

"Okay sire, if you say so." You said, smiling up at him.

Ratchet smiled at you before going to grab his datapad. You and Red Alert started talking and getting to know each other better. She kind of reminded you of your sire, minus the wrench throwing. 

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