Your first word

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~ Optimus ~

One evening while Optimus was spending time with you he kept spacing out. You noticed how he kept staring at the wall of his berthroom and you were worried about him. Since you had been trying to talk lately you were getting the hang of it.

"S-s-s-si-si-siwe!" You said after a few moments of sounding it out.

"What?" Optimus asked you.

"Siwe!" You said again.

"You said your first word." Optimus said fondly as he cradled you in his arms.

You repeated the word a few times before you started getting tired. Optimus was happy that you finally said your first word.


~ Ultra Magnus ~

"Come on, Y/C/n, you need an oil bath." Magnus said as you tried crawling away.

You whined unhappily as your sire caught you. He thought that it was bath time when it was clearly play time. All you wanted to do at the moment was play with your toys. You finally decided that enough was enough.

"N-n-n-no!" You said loudly.

"What?" Magnus asked you, not sure if he was hearing correctly.

"No!" You said, louder this time.

"Yes. You are going to take an oil bath and you are going to like it." Magnus said as he put you in the tub.

"No!" You shouted angrily.

Magnus wasn't sure where you learned the word 'no' from, but after he got you cleaned up he was going to find the bot who taught you that word and he was going to give them a very, very long lecture.


~ Ratchet ~

While Ratchet was working on something in the med bay you sat in your playpen and played with your toys. Lately you had been trying to talk and Ratchet knew that it was only a matter of time before you said your first word. As you played in your playpen you saw your sire looking for something.

"W-w-wr-" You started to say.

"What is it Y/C/n?" Ratchet asked you as he turned to look at you.

"W-wrench?" You asked him curiously.

"Have you seen it?" Ratchet asked you.

"Wrench." You said as you pointed to the wrench that you saw in his toolbox.

"Thank you. And you did such a good job." Ratchet said as he picked you up and hugged you.


~ Bumblebee ~

Lately you had been trying to say your first word. Each time you tried talking Bee would encourage you to keep trying. He could barely wait for you to finally say your first word. One afternoon when he brought Raf to the base you crawled over to him.

"Has Y/C/n said her first word yet?" Raf asked Bee curiously.

"::Not yet, but she's getting close.::" Bee replied.

Raf smiled before he went to go watch tv. When he turned the tv on there was an advertisement about cars. You heard the sounds from the tv and liked them.

"V-v-vo-" You started to say.

"::Raf, I think she's going to say her first word!::" Bee said.

Raf smiled as he ran over to the guard rail. Everyone in the main room stopped what they were doing so that they could see what your first word was going to be.

"V-v-vo-voom voom!" You said happily.

"Awww, she's making race car sounds! That's sooo cute!" Miko squealed.

"::You did so good!::" Bee said happily as he picked you up and hugged you.


~ Cliffjumper and Arcee ~

"Okay Y/C/n, say carrier." Cliffjumper said as he sat on the berth with you sitting on his lap.

You only looked up at him in confusion. Lately you had been trying to say your first word. Since Arcee was out on a mission Cliffjumper wanted to surprise her by teaching you how to say carrier. 

"Come on, sweetspark. It's not hard, just say carrier." Cliffjumper said again.

You looked up at him and smiled. Cliffjumper vented as he picked you up and carried you to the main room. Since Arcee would be coming back soon he wanted to greet her. When Arcee drove into the base and transformed you smiled at her.

"C-c-ca-caw-cawwiew!" You said happily as you reached your arms out towards her.

"I taught her that." Cliffjumper said proudly.

"In one afternoon?" Arcee asked as she walked over to him.

"Uh, sure." Cliffjumper said awkwardly.


~ Smokescreen ~

One afternoon while Jack, Miko and Raf were away at school Smokescreen was watching the races on tv with you. You were excited as you watched the cars on the screen. You wanted to be like your sire and the cars on the screen. When you pointed at the tv screen you got your sire's attention.

"Huh? Oh, they're racing." Smokescreen told you when he saw where you were pointing.

"W-w-wa-wac-wace!" You shouted happily.

"That's right, good job." Smokescreen said proudly as he hugged you.


~ Bulkhead ~

"Alright Y/C/n, Ratchet said that you should be saying your first word soon, so I'm going to teach you." Bulkhead said confidently as he sat you on his lap.

You looked up at your sire curiously. You didn't quite understand what he was doing, so you decided to just wait and see. Bulkhead was really hoping to teach you how to talk.

"Alright, say sire." Bulkhead said enthusiastically.

You tilted your helm and looked at him. You weren't sure what to do. 

"Come on. Okay, say lob. Say sire. Uh, how about dada?" Bulkhead asked, quickly becoming discouraged.

You saw the disappointed look on your sire's faceplates and felt bad. It was only then that you understood what he wanted.

"w-w-we-we-wec-wecew!" You said, loud enough for your sire to hear.

"I knew you could do it, my little wrecker." Bulkhead said happily as he carefully picked you up and hugged you.

You smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neckcables as best as you could. You were happy that your sire was happy.


~ Wheeljack ~

One day while Wheeljack was chasing Soundwave in the Jackhammer you were sitting in a sparkling seat that he made. Wheeljack fired at Soundwave as he flew faster, making sure that he wasn't flying too rough. When Soundwave opened a groundbridge and escaped, Wheeljack was upset that Soundwave got away. You saw Soundwave get away and decided to say something about it.

"D-d-da-da-" You started to say.

"Yes Sunshine?" Wheeljack asked you as he slowed down.

"Da-da-dag-dagna-dagnabbit!" You shouted.

Wheeljack was shocked at what you just said. He was thinking that you were going to say dada. But he was wrong. You, however, were smiling.

"I shouldn't have let you watch those old Western movies." Wheeljack deadpanned.

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