Chapter 28

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I suggest u re-read from chapter 20 to get the hang of the story


When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. - Rumi


Safina couldn't believe that she swiped right instead of left and attended his call. Taking in his appearance, his disheveled hair, unshaven beard, and dark circles around his eyes churned her stomach.

"How are you?" He asked.

"Alhamdulillah!" She couldn't gather the courage to ask him about his well-being because it was obvious so she stayed silent and just looked at the floral wall behind him.

"I will be leaving tomorrow." He stated as a matter of factly and she nodded.

"I was dreading this moment!" She replied after a moment of pause and felt bad when he furrowed his brows and looked down, hurt evident in his face.

"See you then," He said not looking at her as he ended the call.

Safina mehek took a deep breath before she tossed her mobile on the bed and laid back at the pillow as a million thoughts crossed her mind. What was she supposed to do with him in the same home and even in the same room?

How was she supposed to refer him? As her friend's brother or as her husband.

Or Maybe as a traitor.

Her thoughts were disturbed when she heard a knock on her door and as she sat up, she was welcomed with a pleasant surprise seeing her besties.

"Assalam Alaikum" they both greeted before they rushed in to hug her.

She felt her grief washing away as she sat with Zikra and Noushin after a long time and chatted about everything else except her life. This was the moment she needed. Something to away from her sadness.

"Let me call Rashiya'a," Safina said and she went downstairs unaware of the fact that Rashiya'a was avoiding her because she felt an unknown emotion and blamed herself for Safina's misery.


His eyes fluttered open at the sound of the alarm. Squinting and reaching to his side table, he swiped it off and fall back on the soft fluffy pillows. His dream was too good to be true. His lips curved up in a smile at the thought of going back home in a matter of hours.

Glancing at the wall clock, he pushed his soft duvet aside and rushed to make wudu as only a few minutes were left for fajr prayer.

He felt all these worries and tension washing away whenever he prayed. He made long dua after praying the four rakath as his parents always advises him to supplicate no matter how busy or lazy he felt because the closest a servant be to his Lord is when he is in sujood (prostration), so make dua frequently.

The Messenger (saw) was asked: which dua is heard most? He (saw) replied:

Dua in the middle of the night and at the end of the obligatory prayers.

"Assalam Alaikum Ammi, how are you?" After completing his supplication he called his mother.

"Wa Alaikum Assalam, are you okay?" He heard his mother's tensed-up voice and mentally scolded himself for calling up at this hour as it was Midnight in India.

"Alhamdulillah Ammi just wanted to inform you that I am leaving in a while."

"Okay dear, pray before leaving!"

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