Chapter 16

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I guess a lot of you don't know about my book called BEAUTIFUL REMINDERS.

I'm trying to post some beautiful and short Islamic reminders for ramdan.

Do check it out if you'd wish to know.

Its in my profile.

Shoutout to Naz_1998 ainu_kawal jia492

Another update!! YASS.

Ain't I generous?

But I needed to share few reminders so I decided to give it a go.

Hope I made you all happy.

P.s. I try to reply to all of your comments as much as I can. Jazakillah khairan for the wonderful feedbacks.

Ramadan is month full of many blessings, thus the du'a of Ramadan is a blessed one. This can be inferred from the Prophet (SAW) saying: 'When Ramadan comes, the Doors of Mercy (another narration says Paradise) are opened, and the doors of Hell are closed, and the Shaitans are locked up' Thus, it is clear that du'a during Ramadan has a greater chance of being accepted, as the Gates of Paradise and Mercy are opened. [Sahih al-Bukhari #1899, Muslim #1079 and others]


Perched on the black Teak chair,her toes softly grazing the ticklish green grass very so often and a blue pen held between her forefinger and thumb and a note pad on her lap, Safina mehek smiled to herself as she re-read what she had written.

Tips to improve myself in ramdan.

● Read nafil salah as much as I can.

● Complete one juzz of Qur'an daily(minimum) or two juzz (max).

● Read La ilaha illallahu mohammed -ur- rasulallah loads loads and loads. By the end of ramdan complete 70,000.

● should try to do loads of istaghfar. Ask forgiveness from Allah.

● Make a list of dua so that I don't forget any du'a's at the time of Iftar(breaking fast). Dua is not rejected at that time. Subhan Allah.

● Read salath-al-tasbih atleast four times during ramdan.

● Pray loads during Lailatul Qadr.

● Help Ammi everyday in kitchen.

● lay the table for iftaar whilst doing dhikr.

Making Her MineTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang