Chapter 10

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Life is blissful and peaceful,
When we start expecting everything from Allah subhana wa ta'ala alone and stop expecting from his creation. Just try it! -Munazza.


"Assalam ..alai--kooom" safina answered, suppressing her yawn as she spoke on the phone rubbing her eyelids which demanded to be closed and continue their journey of dreaming.

"Wa alaikum assalam, remember you said you will always be there for me?"

"Hmmm.." Safina hummed covering herself with the fluffy blanket.

"Safinaaaaaaa mehekkkk." Rashiya'a shouted from the other end on the phone.

Safina who was falling asleep,was startled. "Yes yes what happened? Is your brother okay?"

There was silence on the other end except like a hiccuping sound.

"Rashi..." Safina sat up on the bed, fully awake now.

"Ya allah safi.."Rashiya'a said.
It was only then, safina noticed that her friend was silently laughing and she mistook it for crying.

"Rashi ki bacchi, what the jahannum is this?" Safina fumed, putting the phone on speaker and tucking her loose strand behind her ear.

"First of all, I'm not Rashiya'a's kid, I'm Rashiya'a.secondly why are you so worried about my bhai? Rashiya'a asked stretching the word bhai and safina knew that she was blushing for her friends voice was laced with naughtiness.

"Because, look at the damn time,rashi. I was dreaming something beautiful and you broke it.huh." Safina recorded as her lips curled up, thinking about the dream she had a minute ago.

"Time? Its six in the morning. Don't you know that it is not good to sleep late after fajr salah?"

"Safi.. Safinaa.. you there?" Rashiya'a shouted.

"Yeah yeah.. let me atleast yawn peacefully and don't be a hypocrite rashi." Safina joked.

"Haha.. I know, babes. Its really hard keeping your eyes wide open after fajr. But today Iam feeling restless."

"Restless? Why, what happened?" Safina asked, worried.

"Shall I come over?"

"I want to go somewhere!" Rashiya'a insisted.



"Okay, see you at our usual spot, Allah hafiz!"

"Safi, you are friendship goals."

"I know!" Safina chuckled.


"If Ammi was awake,she wouldn't have let you torture me." Rihab  sneered after he came out of washroom and took the bike key.

"As if." Rashiya'a rolled her eyes.

"Admit it rashi-pie you are jealous." Rihab stated, grinning ear to ear and walked out of the room.

"Of what?" Rashiya'a asked and followed him as the two silently got out of the house.

"Of ammi and abbu's care for me!" Rihab said before putting on his helmet and got on the bike.

Rashiya'a laughed."You wish?"

"Its true, why don't you agree?" He asked as they got on the busy street.

Rashiya'a chuckled. "I will get double the amount of love because I will be getting marr--" Rashiya'a stopped short, realising what she was saying.

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