Chapter 12

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Shoutout to book_a_vampire 
Naz_1998 zainabmir
Ammutullah for most of the inline comments. I 💓 'em.

"Don't let materialistic things define what happiness is, sure enough, you may feel happy earning a set of diamond but that wouldn't give you inner peace and the ever lasting happiness. It is only found in the love of our closed ones and most importantly happiness is when you start loving ALLAH SUBHANA WA TA'ALA, truly..
deeply." - Munazza.


"Safina, Please bring the fruit basket from the upstairs room!"

"Ji Ammi."

"Help me pack this chocolates, baaji."

"Fariha, Where is adeel?"

"Here, let me help you!" Safina inhaled as she wiped the beads of sweat from her face and sat on the velvet carpeted floor, cross legged in front of her aunt.

The house was buzzing with cheerful banters of the inhabitants of Osman and Fariha's family, gathered in the spacious living room in the Malak Villa.  The large silver gate was wide open and passer- by's could feel the happiness radiating from the house as the family made preparation for their son's engagement.

Fariha's sister, Mehra had arrived from chennai, a day ago with her husband and the twins, Faheem and Shifa.

Mehra was busy packing Sweets and chocolates which they were supposed to present to the bride's family whilst Fariha and Heena were cooking delicacies in the kitchen along with Banu(cook).

"Where is Adeel?" Osman had been asking for him for the past one hour and was getting a void reply.

"He went to play soccer ,daddy." Safina provided the answer, looking up at osman while helping Mehra as she cut the cello tape to pack the beautifully decorated chocolates in a basket.

"How careless is that guy, can't he skip playing even on his engagement day!" Osman mumbled to no one in particular as he wore his shoes and walked out.

"Phupi, Where is kinza?" Safina asked and stood up taking the basket that had variety of chocolates,beautiful covered and decorated and kept it on the table and strided towards the kitchen.

"She will be here, soon. You don't  miss your phupi but her daughter-in-law?!" Heena said whilst she turned the  cutlets which were turning a beautiful shade of brown.

"awww, I miss you all phupi!" Safina embraced heena from back and heena patted her cheeks, smiling.

"What about me?" Came a voice from behind and safina turned at looked at kinza,delighted as she walked forward and embraced her sister in law.

"This baby  is stopping me from hugging you tightly!" Safina whispered,meaningfully and kinza  gave her a smack and safina laughed.

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