Chapter 20

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If its mystery,  it's meant to confuse you!


"....And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a (decreed) extent." - Al Qur'an (65:3)

Safina jolted up from her sleep and looked around in bewilderment and hugging her knees to her chest, tears sprang out of her eyes like a two year old kid crying for his feeder. She wiped her tears, when the door flew open; not wanting him to witness her shattered state. he walked towards the round table and kept the plate filled with delicacies for her.

"Ms.Mehek.."He called, taking long strides towards her.

"Dont come near me!"She yelled and started throwing the things at him which were kept at the bed side table, while he dodged them and gripped her hands, stopping her from making further damage.

"Dont touch me. You make me disgusted with myself. You are a non-mehram." She pushed him with full force and he stumbled back.

"Then get ready for the Nikah!"He said, calmly after a long moment of silence and dashed out of the room.


"Nikah.. Nikah?"

Yes. She knew she heard it right.


Those words sent shiver down her spine. she wiped the tears running down her eyes mercilessly with her trembling hands and cried even more.

Safina knew very well that the kidnapper was a non muslim.
She just knew that, when she sprayed pepper spray on him and when she saw him a while ago as he stared at her, making her skin prick.

Then who was this guy who was talking about nikah to her a while ago?

She didn't had that much time to ponder and solve the puzzle.

All she wanted was to escape and never think or speak of this dreadful night.



Safina got down from the bed and walked towards the door only to get banged by the door as someone opened it from the other side.

Safina took several steps back and she looked up after a second of whimpering in pain rubbing her forehead, She couldn't believe what she saw.

Her father and brother leapt towards her, their eyes filled with tears and in a second of thundering, she was in their arms as both the father and son embraced their apple of eyes in their safe arms.

She felt like she was in heaven at that moment as she cried out loud with unwavering hiccupings.

After what felt like hours they broke the hug and Osman wiped her tears silently conversing that everything was alright. she heard some commotion outside the room and as her gaze followed the source of voice,her eyes landed on Rihab Yunus talking to police officers and a little while later she saw her kidnapper being dragged  away from there. Taha, rihab's friend who was a police officer asked her few questions but understanding her state, he let them go.

Adeel spoke to Rihab as safina walked out of  and got in the car. she just wanted to get away from their as soon as possible and be in her mothers arms.


Society has a thing for blaming girls for everything that happens to them. If one day the sun rises from west, then girls would be blamed for that.

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