Chapter 15

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Dear readers, if you are delaying your prayer/salah or reading Qur'an, please don't proceed with this chapter, before completing it. Prayer will be the first thing we will be asked about in the hereafter.

Thank you so much for waiting,beautifully.
I'm really touched with all your feedbacks and messages.

Check out my interview done by the talented NaeemNaufer
I have posted the book in my message board.

This might be the last update before ramdan. Do remember me in your dua's and Happy ramdan.^_^

Long chapter ahead!
Happy reading!!=


"Will you stop doing that?" Taha,his friend scolded him for the millionth time and Rihab scrunched his nose and kept his reynolds pen in the pen-stand after playing 'pull and push' for about an hour.

"Nothing irritates me more than that tick tick sound." Taha was obviously irritated to the core and Rihab shrugged as he rubbed his temple.

"If you didn't want to talk, why did you call me?" Taha snapped.

Rihab had called Taha as soon as he and Rashiya'a reached home, to discuss the matter
As Taha was a police officer.


"Rihab.." Taha copied him stretching his name.

"You are not letting me concentrate!" Rihab grimaced and Taha frowned.

"You think I don't have any work? I'm not a lazy fellow like you."

"Then get lost, you are of no help."

"Okay!" Taha stood up pursing his lips as he controlled his smile as Rihab gave his don't you dare look.

"How am I supposed to walk out of here, if you give me death glares like that?"

Rihab laughed. "You are the police officer, you should be the one giving me deathly glares, nay?"

"Yeah, but Iam a kind hearted gentleman, I dont scare away people, beacuse 78 percentage of Indians are scared to talk to policeman."

"That means Indian officers are not of good help!" Rihab joked and Taha rolled his eyes, taking back his seat.

"Listen," Taha started turning all serious. "Ask your sister to not go anywhere o.."

"I can't keep her caged in because of me." Rihab interjected him.

"First listen to me." Taha snapped as he was getting late for work and here hus friend was not paying attention.

"She can go to the university and return home directly, no going on outings with friends or shopping mall or anywhere."


"I will appoint a bodyguard.."

"No no.." Rihab said cutting him off. "I don't want her to panic and she won't agree and I don't want abba to find out. You understand what I mean?"


"Let Allah be her care taker, we just need to be more cautious till we find who is the stalker."

"Hmm, but if anything happens just inform me sooner,ok? shall I leave then?"

Rihab nodded.

"Thank you, your majesty." Taha laughed and walked out of his study room.

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