Chapter 1

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 “O Allah, make this book a guide to those whom you wish to guide.

“O my people! Truly, this Life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the Hereafter, that is the home that will remain forever.” (Surah Ghafir, 40 : 39)


'The blessed month of ramdan has arrived and it won't wait but this book can wait.pls do not waste your time,dear readers'.

"Twenty One.

Twenty two.

Twenty Three..."

Safina Mehek sighed contently, clapping and rubbing her palm with her dupatta after counting the guava's which she had collected with so much hard work and threw down in the green grass. she was panting heavily because of climbing the guava tree and pulling the bright emerald and lemon coloured guava's. It was fun as well as exhausting.

She rested her head against the rough tree, her legs hanging either side, enjoying the climate.
Safina covered her face with her purple colour dupatta, as the sun shined, kissing her face through the tree, which was playing hide and seek with the clouds. Though the sun was bright, it didn't had much effect because of the windy climate of December; calm and soothing. It seemed like the heavens were going to pour.

Safina enjoyed doing something adventurous; although climbing a tree and pulling out fruits won't count as adventurous for some people but for her it was; given the amount of love and care she was blessed by her family. Her parents would have a mini heart attack if they saw her like this; resting atop in the thick rough branches of guava tree and her brother? Well let's just say Adeel would give her loads of treats which includes all her favourite chocolates and ice creams and fruits, so that next time when she will be alone at home, she won't pull out any such stunts like this.

That's how pampered she was!

To sum up in a few words, She was everybody's favourite.

But now, there was no one at home, except her. Her parents had gone to her Heena phupi's(Aunt) place and her brother Adeel was out playing football with his friends, since it was Sunday.

Safina started climbing down the tree and hearing the creaking noise of the black iron gate being opened, tightening her grip on the tree, she turned her head and tried to look at the person, walking in.

Well, out of all the people she knew, she wasn't expecting to see him and she didn't know whether to hang in the tree and embarrass herself or loosen her hold from the tree and fall free and sprain her ankle.

Well, guess what?

She chose the latter.


To say, that Rihab Yunus was astonished and flabbergasted at the sight in front of him would be the understatement of the decade.
He rushed forward as she fell down in a seconds of lighting with her dupatta flying everywhere and landed with a thud on the plush velvet carpets.

Who knew Safina would have laid down the carpets in the garden, just in case she fell down?

She was her own savior!

Rihab stopped in his steps as he gazed at her from afar, whilst she got up quickly, dusting her hands and ran away inside while his voice was only heard by him and the squirrel's and the birds.

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