Chapter 5

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"Calmness is from Allah and haste is from shaytaan."

But in regards to affairs concenrning Allah and His deen then you should hurry in to them, as Allah has mentioned one of the qualities of the pious as those who hurry towards good.
وَ يُسَارِعُوْنَ فِي الْخَيْرَات

In terms of affairs of this world, all a Muslim could ask for is that the affairs for this world are good for him in this world and the hereafter. For this our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has taught us the prayer of istikhara.

When someone is in a dilemma, or has to make a very important decision, one ought to pray two rak'ahs of nafl salah, and ask Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala for guidance by supplicating in the following manner.(Translation of the istikhara dua:)

"O Allaah, I ask You to show me what is best, through Your knowledge, and I ask You to empower me, through Your Power, and I beg You to grant me Your tremendous Favor, for You have Power, while I am without power, and You have Knowledge, while I am without knowledge, and You are the One who Knows the unseen. O Allaah, if you Know that this is good for my worldly life and for the Hereafter, then destine it for me and make it easy for me, and put Blessing in it. And if you Know it to be of bad consequences for me in my worldly life and for the Hereafter, then distance it from me, and distance me from it. And give me the ability to do that which is beneficial for me, and keep me pleased with that."


"Where are we going?" Safina whisper yelled in Rashiya'a's ear while Rashiya'a shrugged and looked out of the window.

"Rashi..." Safina called her but when she didn't pay any attention, Safina did the one thing she loved doing to her friends.

She pinched her.

"Ouch!" Rashiya'a's winced rubbing her arm and gave Safina, a deathly glare, while Safina rolled her eyes.

"That's for not a answering me!"

Safina sat back looking out the window,ignoring her bestie's glare. She wanted to pry Rashiya'a and ask her where they were going,but for some reason,she didn't want to grab Rihab's attention towards her, who was driving.

Safina gazed at the passing road and street lights and cafe's and shops decorated shimmeringly for the Christmas and New years eve, she remembered the (bayaan) lecture, she had recently received on Whatsapp Islamic group. It was immensely beneficial and it ached her heart that all this years she had been doing things wrong.

Wishing Merry Christmas and New year is prohibited. Not only that, even wishing the Islamic new year is considered as bid'ah. Our prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) amd our sahabi (radiyallah Anhu) didn't wish on any such occasions,then who are we to implement and follow new customs.

Safina recalled how she had shared it with her besties an hour ago at Rashiya'a's place and how they all agreed their mistake and decided to repent.

"Here,apply this!" Safina was startled as Rashiya'a' extended a fuchsia coloured lipstick.


"Apply it!" It was more like a command with her eyebrows raised and Safina couldn't help but laugh at her friends expression.

Rashiya'a glared at her whilst Safina laughed her heart out and as she her gaze went to the rear-view mirror Rihab was smiling as he drove, his eyes on the road.

Brusquely, Safina stopped laughing taking the matte lipstick from Rashiya'a's palm.

"Don't give me that 'motherly- glare',Rashi!" Safina grimaced as she pulled up her viel and Rashiya'a' beamed.

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