Chapter 19

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Important note:

Readers of PROMISING TO BE THERE FOR YOU.. i have a good news for u.

The book is back again, Alhamdulillah

Now Its called "For you!"

(Smok03) Shaafi maryam osmani would be delighted to get all the love from her readers back. Pls shower her all the love like you all used to do.


Sorry for the late update..

Life has been keeping me very busy, lovelies. I hope you all understand me.

And thank you so much to all my lovelies for voting for my books in the literary awards and in the fiction awards.

Truly I felt really over whelmed seeing your notifications that you've been voting for me even without me asking you to.

Jazakallah khair once again:)

Iam very much blessed to have readers like you all. Alhamdulillah

Happy reading.

And yes, A very thrilling chapter ahead.

Ignore the errors.


Holding the bunch of keys in her plam, she tried to find that one key to the main door of Malak villa but for some weird reason her palms were perspiring and she could literally hear the palpitations in her heart.

"Relax safi, why are you scared as if you are stealing something!" She mumbled to herself, taking a deep breathe.

It was dark as the watchman had not switched on the porch lights saying there was some electricity problem because of the heavy rain past few days.

Even now it was drizzling slightly and climate was very soothing and pleasant to say the least.

Switching on the torch in her phone she realized her battery is only 5 percentage and she needed to save that till she reached home.

Safina mehek sighed, locking her phone and keeping it safely in her clutch and got down walked over to the gate, mentally scolding herself for going there all alone by herself.

"Watchman uncle!" She called, as she reached the gate.

Her intuition was telling her that something is gonna happen but she didn't give it that much thought.

As she neared the gate and noticed the watchman uncle lying unconscious on the cemented floor, her heartbeat raised in a fraction of seconds and she reflexively looked around for a moment.

She was about to kneel down to check his pulse, but sensing someone's footsteps echo in the empty street,made her stand up and ran as fast as possible to save her life.

She couldn't help but feel guilty for not helping watchman but her subconscious was telling her to get out from there as fast as possible.

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