Chapter 18

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Jazakallah khair for all the lovely wishes and du'a's in the previous chapter.

Truly, nothing matters to me more than your heartfelt du'a's and prayers.

I was left speechless with all your love. Alhamdulillah

Thank you so much.

Everything was a chaos.

Every single thing was a mess.

Her heart..

Her whole being..

Even her room.

She never liked moving in to another place as she simply get attached to everyone and every single thing easily.

But.. fate has other plans and that's what ALLAH has destined for her.

Wiping off the beads of sweat with her white cotton dupatta, Safina emptied the last drawer and sealed the carton using tape.

As Safina stood in the middle of her room, so many things were going on in her mind. Gulping down the lump in her throat, she smiled weakly to herself and plopped down on the bed, enjoying few last moments in her room.

Adeel had found an apartment and he wanted to move in there as soon as possible.

Safina was dreading this day for she knew she would feel homesick and it might take few days to get herself used to new things.

"All done safi?" Fariha asked as she entered her room.

"Alhamdulillah, sorry I couldn't help you much." Safina said with remorse and Fariha smiled saying thats okay.

"This is a new beginning safi, and Inn shaa Allah it will be as pleasant as ever and Iam really excited to start preparing for your engagement in our new home." Fariha said, her eyes twinkling at the thought of her daughters engagement.

"You look so happy to send me away, huh?"

"No silly, you won't understand how Iam feeling.."

"Aww, I know.. I was simply kidding."

"Whats going on with the mother-daughter?" Osman, her father asked standing near the door way with a carton in his hands which he was taking down.

"Let me help you daddy!" Safina got up as quickly as possible.

She needed and wanted to get it over and done with.

When she reached downstairs, holding the sealed cartons, she was about to slip because of so many things piled up in the way but a firm hand steadied her and safina smiled looking at hee bestie who was always there for her..

Through thick and thin...

Through roses and thorns...

Through everything that happens in her life.

"Thanks for dropping by, rashi!" Safina heaved a sigh of relief as the two walked up the stairs to bring down all the other things.

"Iam sorry, I got late, was helping bhai in packing.. you know na ammi is also not well.." Rashiya'a informed.

"Your brother left?" Safina stopped in the threshold of her room as that one point struck her.

"Nope!" Rashiya'a answered non-chalantly.


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