❄️ Part Thirty Nine

Start from the beginning

"It's not a surprise that you try to steal every girl your friends like, it's something you clearly like to do" Jimin said sternly looking at his reflection in the mirror fixing his hair.

Jin slapped his own forehead feeling tired of us and Hobi just looks back and forth at us, not knowing what is going on, while I just laughed lightly at Jimin's reply.

"I was the one who touched her after him, so it's not like that" Tae said probably feeling a little ashamed telling all the guys that he fucked her after knowing she touched me that same night, but did it to save my ass from Jimin.

"Well it isn't like you are so incredibly innocent" I spat while glaring at his reflection.

"Can we not spend a single day together without fighting?" Jin whined.

"Can someone tell me what the heck is going on? Me, Yoongi and RM have been away for a few weeks and comes back to you guys fighting like little girls?" Hobi says which made Jin laugh a little, he is probably feeling happy that he finally have someone on his side.

"Jimin and Jungkook are in love with same girl" Tae blurted out with a breath off air and the rappers are looking at us in disbelief.

"But aren't you in love with that girl from Norway?" Hobi asked Jimin as he is looking little pale from all this information .

"Yes I am" Jimin confirmed, he is giving me a death glare.

Hobi and the two other guys who sat on the floor silently looks at each other with big eyes finally realising that I'm in love with her.

"What?" Hobi said questionable while looking at me.

"Exactly" Jimin said sternly looking proud that these three guys is looking at me like I'm the bad guy.

Hobi walked towards Tae hitting him in the head making us all shocked by his action. Tae looked at Hobi in disbelief and anger.

"What the hell did you do that for?" Tae screamed at him.

"For fucking the girl last night that your two best friends is fighting over, do you want to make any more drama?" Hobi yelled at him making us all laugh a little.

"ITS NOT THE SAME GIRL" Tae screamed in disbelief over how dumb his friend is.

"Oh, but didn't Jungkook?" Hobi said looking at me and my eyes looks down immediately as I feel guilty.

"Oh it's a different girl!" Hobi mumble lowly making everyone sighed from his slowness.

"Okey, can we just practice our dance?" Yoongi said looking at us.

"No I want to know everything" Hobi said desperate. Yoongi and RM roll their eyes feeling tired of the drama after only being back one day.

"What if you come over for dinner tonight then I'll tell you all about it" Jin said smiling to Hobi.

The two other sighed in relief. Jimin don't even care he just stands there looking at him self in the mirror. Tae stood beside Hobi still touching were he's head have been slapped with a unhappy face.

"Sounds great" Hobi said giggling which made all of us standing up and walk towards him ready for practice.

"It's good being back" Hobi said smiling widely.

I walked to our wardrobe wanting to take a quick shower and put one some clean clothes before meeting up with Victoria.

"Can I ride with you?" Tae ask, I turn around looking at him.

"I'm not going home" I said lowly not wanting Jimin to hear me, I grabbed my hoodie before taking it on.

"Where are going? Aren't you eating dinner with us?" Tae ask, I see Jimin is standing with his locker putting on his clothes.

"I can't today" I said smiling at him as I just want him to stop asking me questions.

"You aren't eating with us today?" Hobi suddenly speaks, I totally forgot that his locker is behind me, I see Jimin turn around and looks at us while he is putting on his shirt.

"No I can't today, I have plans" I said smiling at him.

"You gonna meet up with her aren't you?" Jimin said while glaring at me and I can feel his eyes shooting daggers at me.

"That's none of your business" I answered him, Tae and Hobi just silently stood there watching us.

"Well remember she had my tongue in her mouth a few days ago" he spat making me chuckle as I am well aware of that, but feeling better knowing she had mine in hers yesterday.

"And you still had someone else mouth around your dick last night" I spat at him, Tae and Hobi's eyes widened and I hear them gasp.

They loved it and even though how much they hated that their friends is fighting they still loved it as long it didn't include them.

"Well so did you" he spat back.
Fuck I didn't think of that.

"If you are telling her about my accident I'm telling her about yours" Jimin said smirking to me, I gave him a glare before walking out of the room.

I have to tell her about my mistake before he does.

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