❄️ Part Sixteen

Start from the beginning

"I know that in one way or another we will find our way back" with that she kissed him. The boy broke the kiss a little later looking at her with a gaze full of love.

"How do you know that?" He whisper. She could see and feel the sadness in him, making her heart break.

"That's what soulmates do"
(End of flashback)

I starts to cry thinking about our last day together because I always thought that we would find our way back no matter what, but he past away to soon and one part of me hate that I didn't manage to come back earlier but the other part of me is happy that our last day together was amazing.

Looking at the picture I see how beautiful he is. His dark black hair, brown eyes that always got puffy in the morning, his bright smile with his chubby cheek that had some cute freckles on his nose. He was a fit guy but even though he had muscles he's chubby cheeks always stayed put, and his laughter hunted my ears for years, he always laughed and I miss hearing him so much.

He wanted to be a tough guy so he always dressed up like a little gangster, always wearing different caps and big hoodies, but the facade was never close to the truth, he was a vulnerable, loving and had the biggest heart. He never did anything to hurt anyone.

Jimin was never was a popular guy. He always got bullied because he liked dancing.
They told him that only girls dances, even the girls in school didn't want to be friends with him, because he wasn't one of the cool guys.

When me and Alex started school we became very popular very fast. We came from a rich family, good grades and both of us was very polite and likeable children.

One day I stayed a little longer at school because I wanted to talk to the teacher because I wanted to be in the dancing class.
I had to walk home even though my mom always had the driver coming to pick us up, but because I stayed longer that day he wasn't there.

When I come near an ally I heard some voices, and I knew it was Sehun Dong, the most popular guy in the school and the biggest bully. I walked slowly towards him and saw a little guy laying on the ground with a nose bleed, and they kept saying ugly words to him.
I ran to the little guy and ripped some of my skirt and gave it to him so he could use it to stop his bleeding nose, Sehun looked at me in disbelief, but I yelled back at him.
I'm lucky I was popular because if I wasn't I would had got a nose bleed too, but Sehun left.
I looked at the boy who smiled and thanked me, Jimin was his name.

We walked home and started talking about dancing. He was embarrassed about it, but I wanted him to teach me because was the best dancer at the school.
We became best friends that day.
He teaches me how to dance and I kept his bullies away and we soon became unstoppable and when we started high school we had finally become a couple.

Jimin went form the unpopular guy to the most popular guy in the school, and girls loved to watch him dance, sorry for them I was the girl he danced with, and even though girls threw them self after him one by one, his eyes never left mine.
I trusted that guy with my life and he did the same with me and even though we were just teenagers I really loved him.
He was my first love and our last night together was the best and the worst at the same time.

The dark haired boy couldn't sleep. He's holding the girl in front of him so hard to his chest that no one could make him lose up his grip on her. He studied every inch of her face.
He couldn't describe how much he loves this girl.

She has been by his side since the first meeting and he always thought she would be by his side until his last breath on this earth. Letting her go it's the hardest thing he have to do, but he knows deep down that this isn't the end of them, he would never let that happen because his love for her is much more then a teenage  flirt. It's pure, real and one of a kind.

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