• Forty Four •

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The weeks had gone and past quickly. The weekend in Vegas was definitely on for the books. I haven't spoken to Dolph since that night, neither has any of us really. Seth and Becks are still going strong, and they were all about the PDA. Every time we would walk into a locker room they would pull apart from each other like teenagers caught by their parents. It's hilarious to say the least.

Work has been pretty busy, we haven't had a break since I came back from my accident, and we leave for the European tour in 3 days. We get our placements today, and I'm super excited to see which side I'll be on. Side A goes to the UK, Netherlands, Greece and Sweden. Side B is going to Germany, Italy, and France. I personally hope to be going to Side B, I've always wanted to see Paris. We are all currently in the catering area waiting for Hunter to come and give us our assigned sides. Dean and the boys were talking about their fight for tonight and I was gossiping with Becky about locker room drama that was happening.

"Alright boys and girls. The moment you've all been waiting for. Europe placements." Hunter announced as he walked into catering. Everyone became silent, excited to hear where we all were going.

"Cena, Bella's, Strowman, Nattie, Shield, Ziggler, Renee, Summer....." He listed off a bunch of other names, to be honest I tune them out, waiting to hear mine. Only he didn't. "You're on A side. You will be leaving tomorrow morning. I hope everything is in order. I know we said originally it was 3 days departure, but some scheduling conflicts needed fixing. The rest of you in this room who didn't get called will be Side B! You all leave tomorrow as well. I hope everyone gets packing, only bring the essentials, you can buy things on the road. Any questions?" He asked. As soon as he said that everyone jumped up to ask him a variety of questions. I turned to Becky with a big smile on my face.

"We got Side B! Thank god we are together." I told her. My stomach dropped as the words left my mouth, realization hitting me like a bus. Shield was on A side. That means Dean is on A side. I whipped my head behind me to see Dean wasn't there with his best friends, but over talking with Hunter with a pissed off expression on his face. I jumped up and walked over to him to see what was going on.

"You know about Liv and I. Why are we on separate sides man? It's not that hard to swap her over to our side." I heard Dean saying to Hunter.

"I'm sorry Ambrose. There's nothing I can do. Sandra needed to be on your side, Liv will be on the other side. We can't switch them, and you guys are already being promoted over on your side so I can't switch you guys over. I'm sorry." Hunter tried to reason with him.

"That's bullshit and you know it! Cena and Nikki are on the same side. Uso and Naomi are on the same side. It's like you intentionally did this!" Dean yelled at him. I walked over to Dean and grabbed his arm, trying to calm him down.

"I didn't intentionally do anything Ambrose. The decision is final. And honestly, it's not like you haven't been distracted lately when your girlfriend is running around taking pictures of you all. So maybe this will be good for you. Anyways, distance makes the heart grow fonder right? It's 2 weeks, I'm sure you'll deal." Hunter said, making my eyebrows furrow and my mouth fall into a frown. Have I really been distracting Dean? Before Dean had a chance to respond, Hunter patted him on the shoulder and walked off.

"Hey, it's okay. We'll figure it out, alright?" I told him, rubbing his arm. He grunted and nodded his head

"I'm pissed off," he mumbled. I smiled at him, trying to comfort him a little.

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