65- The Morning After

Start from the beginning

"Because he had an exhausting night," Jaz interrupted.

"–and then me and you are going to have a nice chat, capisce?" The tone of my voice left no room for argument. After one last glare directed to my boyfriend, Dylan sulked out of the room and dragged Jasmine along with him. I locked the door before we had any more intrusions and flopped back into bed. Dean automatically snuggled into me. "Five minutes and then I'll get up."

"Okay," he chuckled, not believing me.

"If I don't, Dylan will castrate you."

He stiffened as he realized I was right.


"Dylan, I hate you," I grumbled as soon as I sauntered into the kitchen. My eyes landed on the IHOP bag sitting on the counter and lit up. "Okay, I only strongly dislike you."

Dylan chuckled as he nudged the bag toward me. "You're so predictable."

"Thanks," I sarcastically drawled before opening up the styrofoam box. A neat stack of waffles rested in there. My stomach grumbled as I drowned them in syrup. As soon as the warm goodness hit my tastebuds, I let out a moan.

Dylan, who was sitting on a barstool, eyed me nervously.

I sighed and stuffed another bite into my mouth before dropping the fork into the container and looking at him from across the island. Dean was upstairs showering right now so if he wanted to talk, now would be the time to. I didn't make any move to sit closer. I found the height difference intimidating on his part, so I stuck with it.

"Dyl, I love you, but you have got to stop butting into my sex life. I get that you're protective of me and whatever but believe it or not, I can handle myself."

"I know," he moodly grumbled before looking at the granite countertops. "I hate that I'm not the one you rely on anymore."

My brows shot up in surprise. Here I was, thinking Dylan had some weird virgin fetish, but in reality, it was something else. I decided to adondon my post and sat down at the stool next to him.

"What makes you say that?" I asked softly.

He shrugged before looking at me. "You don't call me when you're home alone anymore, we barely hang out, you didn't even ask me for a condom! You went to Will!"

"Because you would've killed Dean if I did," I snorted before softening. "As for the other stuff, I had no idea you felt like that. I thought you wanted your own time, away from clingy Bella."

He had a thoughtful expression. "You are clingy, aren't you?"

"Shut up," I grinned as I lightly nudged his shoulder. "Look, things are different now because I have a boyfriend. You can't just sleep in the same bed as me or act all flirty. But we can continue the platonic stuff."

"It won't be the same," he dramatically huffed.

I patted his shoulder. "I know, buddy. But, hey! At least I won't cockblock you anymore."

"You never did." He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I'll back off."

"Thank you," I smiled appreciatively. "And hey, just because Dean's in my life doesn't mean you're out of it. You're still my best friend, okay? You still have to deal with this clingy bitch and shoo away the bad boys."

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