Chapter 19: Ultron

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'Dad...?' I ask warily as he tightly grips onto my hand. 

'Jarvis?' Dad mumbles.

'I'm sorry I was asleep. I was a dream...' The robot starts, stuttering over each word like a child learning to speak. '...and I was tangled and...' it lifts unsteady arms, examining itself as it stumbles around. I stare wide-eyes and confused, trying to understand what this thing is and where it came from. Behind me I can hear breaths hitching, fingers twitching, limbs tensing.

'...I killed the other guy...' 

A silent gasp slips from my mouth. My mind searches for who else is in the building. 

'You killed someone?' Steve asks. He isn't taking any of this nonsense.

'Wouldn't have been my first call.' The robot replies nonchalantly. 

'Who sent you?' Thor shouts. 

"I see a suit of armour around the world."

My eyes widen. That's dad's voice. That's a recording of dad's voice. My skin turns cold. My heart quickens. This isn't possible. 

'Ultron.' I whisper in shock.

'In the flesh, or not yet.' He chuckles. 

How did we create this? I turn to dad, beginning to panic. Behind me, Banner's breathing quickens and I can hear the clicks of guns and the unmistakable sound of Thor's hammer being called to his hand. I prepare my sparks. 

'I'm on a mission.' Ultron states. 

'What mission?' Nat spits. 

"Peace in our time."

Before I can react, a loud crashing sound overtakes the room. The Iron legion flies through the wall, catching everyone off guard. Before I can lift my fingers, Dad's hand is ripped away from me as I'm unexpectedly lifted from the floor and hurled down the stairs. I lie on the floor, spitting blood and cursing that my perfect dress has been ripped by shards of glass. Shakily, I push myself up. A suit wrestles me to the ground. The ugly metal face is inches from mine, it's red eyes displaying malicious anger. I struggle against the weight that forces me to the floor. I try to electrify it's neck as I dodge several punches but the sparks hiss too close to my dress, charring the delicate fabric. I scream in pain as the metal hand collides with my side. 

'Dad!' The word a cry of desperation and hopelessness. My screams come out wrangled and strained as a crushing arm is forced to my neck. I squirm and I kick and I try to punch my way out but to no avail. My breath comes in ragged bursts, my vision clouding over. In the corner of my eye, Ultron watches me. Despite the metal face, I feel him smirking at my pain. He's enjoying watching me struggle. 

'Dad!' I cry out again, hoping my voice isn't drowned out by the gunfire. My lungs are being crushed and gradually my limbs are forced still. Steve rushes towards me but he's thrown away by two of the Iron Legion suits. One grabs the sceptre and begins to make a break for it. I throw a bolt of lightning but my arm is pinned to the floor and I narrowly miss. I'm left in a pile of broken glass, completely pinned to the floor. The suit raises a hand, looking into my fearful eyes. I wait for it to crush my skull in one smack. As its fist is inches away from mine, I squeeze my eyes shut.  

A whooshing sound swirls past my head. The suit goes limp. Thor runs to me and lifts the pile of metal from my small frame. I sit up, completely exhausted, hair dishevelled and makeup smudged, bruises and cuts decorating my arms, my dress ripped and burnt. Every inch of me burns in pain, including my feet, still stuck in heels. 

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