Chapter 18: The Party

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I walk slowly into the party, teetering on unsteady heels. There is a lot of people. The music blasts loudly whilst conversations are shouted. It's a classy party but it's still a Stark party and, as such, those who have consumed too much already dance wildly, unfazed by the strobe lighting and pumping speakers. I glance around nervously, looking for anyone I might recognise. Nat's behind the bar with Clint. I slide past bodies, my hand gripping the banister as I glide down the stairs. I keep my head held high and smile slightly and, after a few steps, it doesn't feel so scary. 

'Katy!' Clint shouts. 'Good to see you.'

'You look gorgeous.' Nat smiles. I beam widely. Truth be told I do look flipping fantastic and that is down to Nat and mum. 

We went shopping a while back and mum spotted this dress. It's purple, naturally, short sleeves, slimming at the top and then pluming out below the waist into layers of gentle fabric. Falling just above the knee, silver sparkles line the end of the dress and dance like fire up the waist, fizzling out the top. Wherever I turn the light catches and sparkles, much like my lightning. It's a secret statement. I am Ion girl; but only a few here know it. 

Nat did my hair and makeup. Nothing too bold but my features highlighted and my brown hair, half up half down. Silver pins tie the gentle curls into a rose, finished with silver earrings. Simple yet elegant. My lightning necklace remains tucked underneath. The gold didn't match with the silver but I refuse to take it off. I feel beautiful, I look beautiful, and that may be the arrogance I get from dad, but I believe that every girl should have the chance to feel like a million dollars. 

Nat's already lining up shot glasses for herself and Clint. She's not actually supposed to be serving behind the bar but she told me once she liked being there. I think she just knows where the good stuff is kept. 

'Here.' She says, pouring the drink. I eye it suspiciously. 'It's fine. Tony already told me what to give you.'

'And what would that be?' 

She pours one of the shots into the coke and hands me the glass. The cola hides the taste of alcohol but the coolness is soothing. I'm allowed to drink, I imagine it's because dad did at a very young age, I just have to be careful and safe. Nobody worries about me though, I'm not a big fan of the stuff anyway.

'Don't drink too quickly.' A familiar voice says. 

'Hey dad.' I grin. 

'You look beautiful.' He smiles, giving me a small squeeze. Nat heads off with Clint, probably seeing who can finish the row of shots first.

'Another one for me and Pointbreak.' Dad calls to the bar attender. 

'And me.' Rhodey waves, joined by Maria. 'You've certainly grown up.' He nods at me. I laugh. I haven't seen Rhodey since we moved to New York. 'Hey, do you guys want to hear a war machine story?'

'Sure!' Thor replies. I can see dad rolling his eyes. Rhodey begins talking, setting the scene etc etc. I'm lost in the first few minutes. I nod and smile politely, glancing at dad and Thor who stare at him in utter confusion. 

'So I take the tank, fly it right up to the general's palace, drop it at his feet and I'm like boom you looking for this?'

Nobody laughs. Rhodey tries again.   

'Boom are you looking for this?'

Again, confused faces. I try to force out a laugh but it sounds fake. 

'Why do I even talk to you guys? Everywhere else that story kills.' Rhodey complains. 

'That's the whole story? Thor asks. 

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