Chapter 26: Quicksilver

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Through the clouds, the helicarrier rises. I stand next to Nat and Steve, all of us smiling. 

'Fury, you son of a bitch.' Steve grins, shaking his head. 

'Ooh you kiss your mother with that mouth?' He retorts. Nat and I both laugh. The carrier releases several life boats towards the floating city. Things are finally turning around. Two arms wrap around my shoulders. I turn around to see an awestruck Pietro.  

'This is SHIELD?'

'This is what SHIELD's supposed to be.' I smile.

'This is not so bad.'

We watch from a distance, smiling as the life boats land safely. People are immediately rushing towards them. 

'Let's load them up.' Steve commands. Without warning, Pietro picks me up. Suddenly I find myself at the boats, feeling nauseous and light headed. 

'You could have warned me?' I pout. 

'Now where's the fun in that Sparky?' He teases. Together, we help load the boats. As I glance up at him, I feel this warm happiness. I'm saving the world with the people I love. No longer afraid, this is my purpose. 

I duck as three bots fly over my head. I raise my hands but they're not aiming at me. They're heading towards the carrier; but the alarm doesn't need to be raised. 

'Nice shot Rhodey!' I smile, watching as War Machine and dad blow each one up. 

'That boy better be keeping his hands off you.' Dad jokingly threatens. 

'Katy has a boyfriend now?' Rhodey gasps. 

'Who's that?' Pietro asks. 

'Another family friend.'

'Your family is big.' He exhales. I giggle at his nervousness. 

'Thor, I've got a plan.' Dad says through the comms. 

'We're out of time. They're coming for the core.' Thor replies, sounding a little out of breath. 

'Rhodey, get the rest of the people on board that carrier.' Dad commands. 'Avengers, it's time to work for a living.'

I raise my eyebrow at Pietro. 'Care to give me a lift?'

'Of course Sparky.' He smirks, lifting me up bridle style. This time I'm not as nauseous and I kiss his cheek as a thank you. Thor has finished off the remaining bots. 

'If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose.' Dad helpfully reminds us. The whole team are now positioned around the core, weapons in hand and ready to go. I stand between Steve and dad, sparks rising to my call. 

'Is that the best you can do?' Thor shouts. I mentally face palm. Hundreds of Ultron's robot army fly, walk and crawl towards us. They look thirsty for blood.

'You had to ask.' Steve scolds, speaking for all of us. 

Ultron flies in front of his army, a menacing grin plastered on his ugly, metal face. 'This is the best I can do. How do you plan to stop me?'

'Like the old man said,' Dad smiles, looking at me and Steve, 'together.'

As the Hulk releases a roaring battle cry, the robots charge. My sparks ignite and my body electrifies. I'm surrounded by red magic and plasma blasts. Arrows fly and silver flashes back and forth. My lightning mixes with Thor's, ripping apart each robot that dares to come close. I fire and duck, attack and deflect. Dancing around the core, my sparks fly in a beautiful yet deadly eruption. Dad shields my back as we defend each other. I roll and he fires; he pivots and I aim. Wanda moves next to me and I switch to my Ion energy. As the robots approach, our two magical powers intertwine. We pierce the hearts of the enemy, our two powers finally working together as one. 

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