Chapter 21: Safehouse

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'Stark.' Ultron growls, taking a step closer.

Steve, Thor and Dad all stand on the catwalk opposite. I smirk inwardly. Nat and Clint are missing, but I bet they're close.

Pietro and Wanda creep in behind me, eyeing up the situation. I give dad a subtle nod. I'm ok, I tell him. He nods back.

'Nobody has to break anything.' Thor instructs.

'You've clearly never made an omelette.' Ultron retorts, edging dangerously closer.

'He beat me by one second.' Dad moans. I roll my eyes but the comment makes me smile. Pietro, however, isn't so thrilled. His hand grabs my arm.

'Ah yes, he's funny Mr. Stark.' Pietro hisses. His eyes dart to mine and his grip tightens. I glare back. I'm very close to electrocuting him.

But he should remember that.

'You two can still walk away from this.' Steve starts.

'Oh we will.' Wanda replies snarkily. I want to punch her.

'I know you've suffered.' He continues but is interrupted by Ultron making gagging noises.

'Captain America. God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war.' He sneers.

He's trying to get inside their heads.

'What's the vibranium for?' Dad asks before Ultron can wind anyone else up.

'I'm glad you asked that because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan-'

Before I can move, Ultron has fired at Dad and all hell has broken loose. Ultron and dad exchange punches in the air, Wanda uses her magic to stop Thor and Pietro runs past, knocking Steve over.

But with the Maximoffs gone, I am finally free. Guns fire around me; metal clashes with metal; smoke fills the air. I raise my hands. Sparks flare from my fingers as I strut down the catwalk in my dress... straight towards her. I'm a storm in heels.

I fire rapid bursts at Ulysses' gang whilst my shield deflects their gunfire. I throw a bolt of lightning at Wanda, catching her off guard. My power has been released. She turns to me scowling.

'That's for manipulating my mind.' I growl, throwing another bolt at her. I can't let her get away. I can't let her get inside anyone else's head. My shield deflects her red magic and I combat with my blue energy. The two swirling mists collide in a purple eruption.

That's when I realise how similar they are. Both powers come from the sceptre. We are evenly matched.

We offend and defend, attack and deflect. She isn't well trained with her powers and makes sloppy mistakes, but I don't use my blue magic often. It's a fuel rather than a constant fire. That, and I can't afford for my dress to go up in flames. I resort to my shield and lightning but it doesn't penetrate her magic. I decide a different tactic and send a bolt of lightning along the rail. The sparks catch her clothes, making her jump. Shocked, she looks up and snarls at me.

I stop firing.

A flash. 

I'm on the floor. 


He picks his sister up and rushes off. I'm lifted up by Cap.

'I'm fine.' I grunt.

'Good. Stark wants you back on the ship.'

I turn to him, fire in my eyes. 'No. We have to stop the enhanced. She's going to mess with everyone's minds.'

Before he can disagree, a wave of Ultron's bots fly in and both of us are fighting again. They are small and weak but there are many of them. I spin on my heels, rapidly firing at one moving towards Thor. He throws his hammer at a line of Klaus' men. Suddenly his hammer falls. I laugh. Clearly Pietro isn't worthy either.

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