Chapter 28: Broken Umbrella

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I'm left at the new facility in the early evening. Mum was right, dad has created a room for me and he's furnished it with all the things I should like: purple pillows and pinboards, pictures and fairy lights. There's the usual ensuite, large desk, and I've been given a view of the lake. My room is away from the others but closer to the lab. It's perfect really, has my name written all over it. But it feels like an a attempt at round two that I'm not emotionally ready for. 

'Katy! Come downstairs! We're having pizza for Thor's last night!' Dad calls. He's also leaving with mum in the morning. An important meeting has cropped up and they have to go. It's like I arrive and everyone disappears. 

I sigh. At least try to be happy Katy. You're here. Your family is here. And we're having pizza, which you love. It'll only be a couple of hours. You wanted to be here. No. I wanted to get away from New York.

I take a seat on the couch next to Thor, wondering if, when he gets back from searching for infinity stones, he'll figure out that Loki is still alive. I would like to see that. 

'Lady Stark, your choice of these movie things are always very good. Why don't you pick one for me?'

Everyone looks at me expectantly. This feels like a set up. 

'Em... Star Wars?'

Multiple grumbles erupt through the room. 

'What? There are people here who haven't seen it and we've got to be ready for the new one coming out at Christmas!' 

'They're making more?' Dad groans. 

'Yeah.' I say silently, falling into the chair. 

Despite the protests, I think most of the team enjoys it. Thor's visible confusion over Star Wars is  funny and I do crack a small smile. He doesn't understand science fiction and neither does Steve.

I try my best to blend in, making small comments, laughing, so it looks like I'm having a good time. You are having a good time, I think as I nibble away at the slice of pizza. The pepperoni is quite spicy. Apparently Wanda likes spicy food. She seems to be doing well, seated cross-legged next to Vision, rather comfortably I might add. They keep whispering to each other. It's annoying. 

We manage to watch episodes 4 and 5 before yawning begins. As the team heads to their rooms, Sam asks if I'm going to start training with them tomorrow. 

'Maybe.' I reply and I trundle upstairs, ignoring the murmurs behind me. It takes me a while to fall asleep. I scribble some more in the diary:

I feel like I'm on the other side of a thick-glassed window. I am outside, standing in the rain with nothing but a broken umbrella whilst imaginary me is inside, eating pizza that is too spicy and laughing in this fake bubble of joy. I don't know why I am so unhappy. I thought coming here would make me feel better. I was wrong. Life seems less than I wanted. 

I turn out the light. 

'Sparky? Sparky?'


'It's ok, I've got you.'

I'm in Sokovia. The city is flying. I was falling but now I'm safe in Pietro's arms. My body, cleaned of any cut or bruise, is held safely in the comfort of his arms. We ignore the robots shooting around us. The rest of the Avengers are fighting, but not us. 

'Let's leave. We can runaway together.' 

An excited smile is plastered on his face, his voice is distant and imaginative. 

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